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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Commie Obamie

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 3/16/13 Commie Obamie


If you want to know who anyone is, just look at who they hang around with and what kind of activities they are involved in. This is especially true with this thing we call our leader at the moment. After years of him running America into the ground and watching him and his associates and their activities, in my opinion proves them most likely Socialist at the least, Communist at the worst. I do not think there is anyone left in this country that does not know what the rest of the world already knows and that is the fact that America is being destroyed from an enemy within.


Rest assured though that we will survive this crud. And when we do, they will fall back into the shadows as they have done in the past, reorganize, rename and in a few decades resurface to try to destroy the American way of life from within once again. Yes, this has been tried and defeated many times in our history. As long as there are power hungry people that will use the weaknesses of the perceived oppressed it will happen again and again and again.


So we must stand strong against Obamie and his commies. Let them know that true American Patriots will never bow to their attempts to weaken us. We must not be afraid to look them square in the eye and tell them that we know who they are and what they are attempting to do to our country. We must let them know that we are willing to fight them tooth and nail to the end if necessary to overcome their dastardly deeds. We must make them understand that true American Patriots will not surrender under any circumstances.


So Stand tall American Patriots. Look the Devil in the eye and tell him to kiss you arse. Do so with pride and respect and keep it as clean and legal as possible. Do not fall prey to the notion that this war has been lost. We as Patriots have just begun to fight and we will not do so on their terms. We will use any means necessary within our rights as Americans and within our Constitution as laid out by our fore fathers. But win we will. Yes, know and understand this one fact if nothing else, we will return our nation to its former freedom and once again stand tall as the greatest free nation on earth.


God Bless America

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