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Thursday, March 28, 2013


Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 3/28/13 "Yikes"

I was happy to have passed my DOT physical again the other day. Just barley though as my doctor was a little concerned about my Diabetes being just a bit high. She increased my medication to help bring it under control. Of course as you might expect, more medication takes time for the body to get used to. Something they forget to tell you about and something you find out about at the most inopportune time. That was me today as I just get myself comfortable for a early afternoon nap back in a quiet corner of the truck stop.


As the rumbling starts, I know it is time to make that mad dash inside to the rest room. On goes the pants, then the shirt and the hat; then out the door I go. Half way there I start wondering why I did not just move the truck closer but it is too late to go back now. The rumbling is getting worse as I close the distance to the truck stop door that seems to be getting further away with every step I take. More rumbling and the urgency becomes critical as I finally reach the door and I find myself inside. Across the store, around the corner and into the opening in the wall without a door restroom I go. I find the first stall, enter it, spin around lock the door and safe, I made it just in a nick of time. "WHEW"


Easy enough you would think. At least I did until I started wondering what that extra box was for on the left wall. "It is not an ashtray" I think to myself. The answer came soon enough as someone with pretty painted toe nails entered the stall to my right. The last time this happened to me three little old ladies made the mistake. That was scary enough as I just pulled my hat down over my eyes and prayed no one figured out what was going on. But today, yes today, I am the one making the mistake. All I could think of is how am I going to get out of this one without getting caught.


So I waited just a second. I listened for any signs that anyone else was in there beside the lady next to me. Nothing, so up come the pants and out the door I go right into a lady walking in with her two little girls. Crap!! "Oh no she says, we are walking into the men's room."  I squeeze by her as fast as I can and say, " Nope, I am the one messing up and I am out of here." I thought she might scream or something but she just laughed at my noticeable embarrassment and out into the hall I went. Right into a bunch of drivers staring at me as they listened to my conversation with the nice lady.  Of course come all the jokes and laughter.


Finally, I did make it to the right restroom. For twenty minutes longer then I needed I sat there. I wanted to make sure that anyone witnessing my screw up was long gone when I walked out. As I waited I wondered. Is the universe through screwing with me? Just how many times am I going to find myself taking a dump next to a women in a public restroom in my life? Oh well. I can tell you this much about it though. It is a lot scarier when I am the one messing up then when the lady is at fault. And if you ask me, restrooms should be painted either blue or pink respectively. That way, hurried up folks like me can tell the difference when there just is no time to look.



God Bless America

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Commie Obamie

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 3/16/13 Commie Obamie


If you want to know who anyone is, just look at who they hang around with and what kind of activities they are involved in. This is especially true with this thing we call our leader at the moment. After years of him running America into the ground and watching him and his associates and their activities, in my opinion proves them most likely Socialist at the least, Communist at the worst. I do not think there is anyone left in this country that does not know what the rest of the world already knows and that is the fact that America is being destroyed from an enemy within.


Rest assured though that we will survive this crud. And when we do, they will fall back into the shadows as they have done in the past, reorganize, rename and in a few decades resurface to try to destroy the American way of life from within once again. Yes, this has been tried and defeated many times in our history. As long as there are power hungry people that will use the weaknesses of the perceived oppressed it will happen again and again and again.


So we must stand strong against Obamie and his commies. Let them know that true American Patriots will never bow to their attempts to weaken us. We must not be afraid to look them square in the eye and tell them that we know who they are and what they are attempting to do to our country. We must let them know that we are willing to fight them tooth and nail to the end if necessary to overcome their dastardly deeds. We must make them understand that true American Patriots will not surrender under any circumstances.


So Stand tall American Patriots. Look the Devil in the eye and tell him to kiss you arse. Do so with pride and respect and keep it as clean and legal as possible. Do not fall prey to the notion that this war has been lost. We as Patriots have just begun to fight and we will not do so on their terms. We will use any means necessary within our rights as Americans and within our Constitution as laid out by our fore fathers. But win we will. Yes, know and understand this one fact if nothing else, we will return our nation to its former freedom and once again stand tall as the greatest free nation on earth.


God Bless America

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Friday, March 8, 2013

New Horizons

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 3/8/13 New Horizons

Time for a change I think but not all at once though because as we all know, it takes time to plan these things out. It seems like a life time ago since I drove my first truck and after thirty years behind the wheel, I think maybe that it is time to work at being behind the desk for a while. So my lovely bride and I have decided to try our hand at being freight agents.  Not all at once though, no, you're not going to get me off the road that quick. But sooner or later this getting older by the minute truck driver will have to say good bye to the open road that has been my home for so many years.


To start with, Janet has been getting things up and running. She already has a good lead on things spending most of the day on the phone chasing down perspective customers. We have found a good broker to work for and with any luck, I should be a millionaire sometime next week. Well, maybe not next week but at least we as a team, we have a good reputation at making a go at the things we have partnered to do over the years. That one fact alone has me confident that we will once again succeed at this business venture too. I can think of no better person then your best friend and also your wife to work with. We always have fun at what we do.


It will be slow at first and I will stay on the road for a while longer just yet. But I believe our experience in the trucking industry will be a huge help to us as we work between shippers, receivers and the truckers. One thing I never liked as a driver is talking to a agent that did not have a clue as to what a trucker actually had to do to get the load there on time. Then on the other side of things was a trucker that did not know a whole lot about the freight that they were hauling. By putting us in the middle as your agent, with thirty years experience dealing with all kinds of different situations just about every day, we should be able to smooth out the bumps that will occasionally rise up and help everyone involved to get the load delivered on time.


I look forward to this new life, a new career. More than that though, after thirty years of trucking and being married to the same woman, I look forward to spending more time with my wife, Janet. As I said earlier, we have always worked well together and even though we love the trucking life, those long lonely weeks on end away from each other do get a little old after thirty years. So it is time for us to bring the old ways to an end and to begin our new life together.


So, Hi, this is Jeff with GRD Freight and I would like to help you with your logistical needs. Just give us a call.




God Bless America

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Road Blocks

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 3/7/13 Road Blocks

Just over five thousand dollars the lady says to me on the phone yesterday as I make inquiries into what I will need to do before I can officially become a candidate for Congress. She thinks anyway because she is not quite sure just how the math works. "Let's see," she says as she goes on to explain that the fee is calculated at three percent of the previous years salary of the position I want to run for. But of course, she is not sure if her numbers are just right.


Then we go on to talk about what happens after I jump the five grand road block. When it is that I can actually officially throw my name into the hat. She pulls up the proper codes and starts to explain those rules. "The last Monday and before the last Friday that follows the last Monday of, of." "Let me see, "she goes on. "What month was that now?" Finally she just gives up and we figure that it is best for me to look up the rules myself.  I find myself writing down about six different codes and when I go look them up, I figure out why she was so wishy washy about telling me what the rules are. As I look them over, I find myself thinking that a second grader must have written them. With a little effort though, I think I understand them.


In short, to run for the office of Senator in the mid terms elections, I have to show up at the Secretary of State's office on a certain week about six months prior to the election with just over five grand in my pocket. Showing up should be easy enough to do. Coming up with the five grand, not so much. Of course they have that covered to. The paupers part of the regulations. All I have to do to qualify for that is to prove I am dead broke and own nothing. After meeting that requirement, I have to get signed petitions from at least one forth of previous elections voters. Easy enough I guess, if you had the money to do all of that to start with.


Always something, always a road block in front of anything that you want to do it seems. If I was a government dependent, I could get in for free. If I was a rich man with five grand pocket change, no problem. But I am a working stiff, you know, the guy being used up by both of these classes. I am the one most needed up there on the hill to represent the middle class that is being destroyed in this country. For me, they make it nearly impossible on my own to even enter the race.


Road blocked once again. But as I see it a road block is nothing but another challenge to overcome and I am here to tell you, I love a good challenge. As I have fought the world for truckers to be able to run safe and legal, I over came many challenges and survived to tell the stories. We need men and women in our government that will stand up to the powers that be if we are to return our county to its former greatness. I believe that my work in the trucking industry shows that I can and will do this. That I will not bend to the pressures of those that try and scam the system for their own profit.


Well, it's off to see the Wizard as I often say. To take on the world and its road blocks. I am sure I will be finding my way through all of this soon enough. Looking for good people to start building a team seems to be a good start. Seeking out and understanding campaign financing laws I think at this point is a must.

God Bless America

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Chain Reaction

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 3/4/13 Chain Reaction

That is the way to do it. You are kicked back at your computer or perhaps reading one of the trucking rags over you lunch down at the truck stop restaurant. As you read along you come across a story  that hits close to home. The subject matter could enrage you are it could fill your heart with joy. Either way, something in you just has to get into action and you find yourself getting involved. That my dear friends is what I call a chain reaction.


This is a good thing, or at least I think so. It happened to me today as I tuned in to one of my favorite radio shows and I found myself listening to a story that I had been following. I had not quite made up my mind just yet as to how to get involved. But there they were, another trucking advocate speaking out about a industry problem when poof, it just popped into my head what I needed to do. A few phone calls later and my good intentions were set into motion. So once again today, I have struck another blow towards truckers to be able to run safe and legal. Am I not just so awesome? Well, maybe not so much awesome as I am just a normal every day citizen doing their civic duty. That for me is awesome enough no matter who jumps in to get involved.


So this chain reaction thing I am talking about, the advocate on the radio was in some way sparked to do their thing. Their thing sparked me to do mine. With any luck, you my friend may be so inclined to do your thing and the chains builds both in length and in strength. Before long we have thousands of links all joined together working toward our common goal. In today's case, our goal is to help keep parking open so that tired truckers can find a safe place to park. But what about tomorrow. What chain will come our way so that we can add to the previous chain reactions that have already been working toward the next best thing. No one really knows so all we can do is keep an open mind so as that chain comes our way, we can see the opportunity and add our own link to the chain.


Get involved folks. No matter what the battle, we have not lost it until we have walked away from it. Safe and legal truck drivers, just too important to not wrap our chains around and win this battle.


God Bless America

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