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Sunday, November 6, 2011


Today's Thoughts 11/07/11 Sabotage
Sabotage, what a funny sounding word and one that I heard a democratic pundit use describing what the republicans were doing to all of Presidents Obama's efforts to straighten out America. I heard this today as I listened to all the Sunday talk shows. I thought how funny it was that sabotage was the word that that I use to describe what President Obama is doing to America himself. Again this pundit put forth the fact that the republicans were the party of no as they stopped the president newest jobs bill. Well, let me take just a moment to explain this so that not only the president himself understands, but all of his pundits as well.
No. Not only no but hell fricking no. From Obama care to just about anything he has done in the name of saving this country and the air we breathe has been done with a socialist outcome. Every fix that he has laid his hands on has been designed with the basic intent of bankrupting this country and delivering it on a silver platter to the one world order. In his own words given in a speech, he is bankrupting every industry he dislikes and the biggest thing he dislikes is freedom. This man is pure socialist and his intent is to bring down our constitution and the freedom our forefathers fought and died for.
So I'll say it again. Not only No, But hell fricking no. Sabotage is not a bad thing when freedom loving Americans use it against our enemies. One would think foreign but in this particular case, domestic. It is the job of every American citizen to protect our way of life and if sabotage is what it takes to kick socialism out of our free country, so be it. Now let's go sabotage some socialist butt.

Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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