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Friday, November 23, 2012

Human Dog Fights

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 11/23/12 Human Dog Fights
I was having a discussion with my son this morning and as we were talking along, I realized something as I was using something similar to what I was trying to explain to my son that would help him understand the point I was trying to make. I guess we all use this tactic from time to time in our conversations and if done properly, using similarities can help to drive a point home.

The point I want to drive home today is animal cruelty. We have all seen the stories in the news, dogs, roosters and other assorted animals being used not only as entertainment, but also for the purpose of profit.  Time and time again we watch as special interest groups and media outlets go after some well known famous person as they get caught engaging in such activities behind closed doors. There they are big as life, holding back animals while they antagonize them. Leaping forward shoving their faces together, then yanking them back just in a nick of time, building up anger to the point that each animal wants to kill the other, to the point that the only thing that matters is survival.

And when we catch these cruel bastards at this game, we crucify them in the public eye then we send them through our legal system and with any luck, it is prison time for them, unless of course the animal in question is a human. No, for humans we watch our politicians holding us animals back while they antagonize us. Leaping forward shoving our faces together, then yanking us back just in a nick of time, building up our anger to the point that each human wants to kill the others way of life, to the point that the only thing that matters is survival.

Why do we Americans allow our politicians to treat us like dogs at a dog fight? In the end we are losing our freedoms and they sit back gaining both power and profit. Recently I have been studying up on the different tactics being used in politics and the similarity between dog fights and human fights are quite amazing. They push one human at another and say they want to take away your rights. The other human is yanked back as they are told your rights mean nothing to this person. Think about it for a minute, we as a nation are being divided in as many ways as they can think up. We are being pitted against each other in a perpetual dog fight while they sit up their laughing their asses off, making bets, and drinking down as much of the destruction of the American way of life as they can.

Politicians that use these sorts of tactics should be jailed just like any other person that pits one animal against another for some sort of entertainment or profit. Only the politicians win at this game. As the rest of us animals find ourselves pitted against each other, nothing is being done to save this nation. The greatest animal trainer wins the elections but in the end all that is left is one or two of the strongest still standing while the rest of us have to live with the aftermath.

Start understanding how we are being used as a people, as an animal for the profits of our new found masters. Unlike dogs we as humans have the power to think, to rationalize what has been done to us. We can reverse this current course and return to a healthy and wealthy nation, but only if we refuse to be pitted against each other like dogs.

Be safe peeps.
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