Today's Thoughts 9/25/11 To Hey With It
Was it worth it? That’s a question that I have been pondering for some time now. All this time and effort that I have spent over the years that is. Working on things like drivers being able to run safe and legal without reprisal and letting the world outside of the trucking industry know that there are lots of drivers within the industry that follow that same line of thinking. That’s a hard thing to do especially when there are forces out there that really do not benefit from such drivers. Whether it is for political reasons, news media selling papers, or a whole host of other factors that make money off of either the image of a renegade truck driver or the actual renegade themselves.
We have come a long way as drivers over the years. Sure we still have a few renegades out there but the majority of truck drivers hitting the road today are way ahead of drivers of the past when it comes to their knowledge base involving all the different trucking issues. The invention of social media outlets like Face Book has made our struggle to be the best we can be as truckers a whole lot easier. Yes I know there are many different opinions on just how it should be done. But never before has so many drivers at one time been involved so deeply in the goings on of every level from the man on the street all the way to the top levels of government.
The question is, what is all this involvement getting us? Not much it seems to me. Our goals as truck drivers has been to make that highway as safe as we can while we go about doing the business of keeping America supplied. Deaths involving trucks keep dropping every year while miles driving by trucks keep going up. One can only conclude that we are if nothing else making one heck of an effort as an industry to do this right. What we seem to be getting back from the powers that be is simply more and more regulations that not only make it harder for us to do our job safely and legally but just about impossible to do the job at all. It just seems that every time we make a suggestion as to what is needed, they take that suggestion and pervert it into a solution that drives drivers right out of the industry.
The thing about this situation is that we as truckers are not alone. Just today I read an article about how the EPA is looking at making hey that a farmer grows and feeds to their livestock a pollutant. Once they have accomplished that then they will impose regulations on farmers to control this pollutant. No weight will be giving in this process as to what the financial cost will be to the farmer or even if it will bankrupt them by the thousands as they try to comply with the newest and greatest effort to make the world safe to live in. Does this process sound familiar? It's the same process that they use not only on the trucking industry but also every other industry out there. Watch this process long enough and over the entire spectrum of industries that used to be in America and you get the idea that it's not about clean air or safer highways, it's about destroying the ability of America to exist as a free nation.
Face the facts; every industry that they have run out of America is someplace else in this world supplying a different country with jobs and pumping out just as much if not more pollutants as they were here in this country. All that has changed is the location of the pollution and the power that grows a strong nation. So while they have us brain washed into thinking we are building a safer trucking industry, they are actually in the process of shutting down the American trucking industry and soon will allow other nations to cross our boarders and do the job we were regulated out of.
Was working toward safer highways worth the time and effort we put into it over the years worth it? You bet your butt it was. But we can no longer allow ourselves to believe the goal is just safer highways. We have to come to the understanding that the destruction of America through the destruction of her industries ability to operate is their main goal. We must stand up for the farmer in their fight to grow hey without the EPA sticking their nose into the process. We have to stand up for every industry in this country so that they can not only survive in this nation but will also be around to help us stand up in our battle against the tyrannies our government has been slipping in on us one group at a time. Remember folks the words of our forefathers. "Together we stand, divided we fall". It’s time to stand up for our country and bring back the common sense that made us a strong nation.
Now go fight for the farmers and the hey they need to survive, the ditch digger, and the multi million dollar corporations, for if we lose all of them, there will be no one left to fight for us. They will have saved the world and emptied our cupboards at the same time. It's a shame what they have done to our country. The only thing I can see that would be worse then what they did is if we did nothing to stop them in their tracks.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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