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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

American Jobs

Today's Thoughts 9/15/11 American Jobs
What are we waiting for? That's what I really want to know. Here we sit as a nation with our thumbs up our rumps while millions of us sit at the house without a job. What in the name of whatever makes the sun rise every morning are we waiting for? Hopefully I would think not the government to finally stop playing politics and fix the problem. Here's a clue, the government is the problem and they have no intent of fixing themselves. The plain fact is that as long as you depend on them, any fix will only lead to you depending on them. It's called buying your vote.
We The People are going to have to fix these problems ourselves. And the faster we realize that fact and start working toward the solution, the better. First, we must realize what the problem or problems are. My guess as usual is that you can find as many different answers to that as you can find people to ask. Ask me and I'll tell you that the number one problem is somewhere along the way someone figured out that if the whole word were as wealthy as those fat Americans were, they would have billions of profit generators (people) instead of just millions of Americans creating profit for them. Whatever the reason, it has led to the downfall of the greatest economy that this world has ever known.
So how do we fix this? Several things have to happen. Let's start with making sure that the people we elect to office are actually going to represent the American people. We look back at their records and make sure that the things they voted for actually had a positive effect on our economy. That the trade deals they made with overseas governments and companies actually worked toward the benefit of America. We make sure that they are working towards making sure that only people legally in this nation work in this nation. They demand that Americans follow the law, but somehow people that break the law have more rights to American jobs then the Americans that are legally here. Like I said, we demand that our representatives represent us, not them.
Another thing we can do to create jobs in America without the help of our government is to buy products made in America. Our government has done everything it could do to put cheap foreign products on the shelves at the store. I'm a little amazed at this because just a few short years ago everybody was running around shouting "Made In America". Some stores only sold products that were made in this country. But as the economy went south and everybody had to start watching their pennies, they soon forgot to buy American made products. So while we saved our pockets books, We The People ourselves helped our government send our jobs overseas. Only we can bring them back.
Wal Mart will sell what you buy. Buy a product from China and you give China a job. That’s one for the Chinese economy. And don't forget, that’s another job for China. If you want a job here in America, then the only way to do that is to unclench your butt cheeks and let a few more pennies fall out and buy the same product with "Made In America" stamped on it instead. It's up to you. Our government can make all the trade deals they want sending our jobs overseas, but those deals will only benefit the other guy if we run down to the store and buy their products. If we refuse to buy them, the jobs will come back to this country.
So you see, it's really up to us. We can choose to continue to back the bad decisions made by our government or we can choose to back our country in spite of our government's bad decisions. Whatever your choice, it's not going to be cheap. Get over that that thought right now. It's going to be a long costly process to bring us back up to where we were just ten years ago. But we can do this. We can do this without and despite the fact that our own government is a big part of the problem. And we can do this despite the fact that We The People forgot that our nation is more important than our own pocketbooks. In the words of a great American, JFK, "And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". What you can do in your everyday life is base your decisions on what is good for this country instead of what is good for your pocketbook. It's time to save ourselves before we have no pocketbook to worry about.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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