Today's Thoughts 5/22/11 The Quiet Man
Ugg! I really hate this. Here I lay me down to sleep and all I do is look at the ceiling of my truck. You just have to love trying to live your life by what the log book says you are. Right now it's telling me that I'm tired and I just cannot figure out why it is that although the government says I'm sleepy, I'm lying here wide awake. I know what's going to happen. By the time I do fall asleep, it will not be long before the alarm clock goes off and then the government mandated log book will be telling this sleepy driver that he is wide awake and it’s time to go to work. Life would be so much easier I think if they would just go ahead and install a switch in back of our heads so we could turn on and off as easy as they think we can.
Oh well. So what to do about this situation? Figuring in the morning I was going to get up and go take a shower. Once done with that I would probably do breakfast before I did my pre trip inspection, and then head out. Might as well get some of that done now being I'm not getting any sleep anyway. This way in the morning I can sleep in a little later so I head in and grab that shower and then I head for the restaurant for a way early breakfast.
As I walk in I look around and see where everyone is sitting. A couple of drivers are up at the counter with the normal chat about life in a big truck going on. Along the booths near the windows there are three young ladies lost in their conversation. To the far right about four booths behind them is where I find myself sitting down. It's far away from the drivers at the counters and just out of earshot of the girls. Now this is my kind of place, all alone where I can not bother a soul. Here is where I can not cause any trouble. I won't bother anyone or make them mad. I won't end up being the reason they have a bad day. None of this will end up being blamed on me. Or at least I hope anyway. Most of all the fact is that when I'm out in public around other people, I'm just a quiet man. I've always found it hard to be part of the crowd and I kind like it that way.
A little bit shy I guess might be the reason. Some might think I'm stuck up I guess. Maybe I think I'm too good to hang around with them I suppose. Could be some of these reasons perhaps or it could be none of the above too. Either which way no one ever bothers to ask me. They just start thinking what they are going to think and it goes on from there.
I've seen this before though. With other drivers I mean. They sit quietly in their trucks minding their own business and before long; everything that goes wrong with the group ends up somehow the fault of the person staying off to themselves. I've never understood this type of group mentality. But it is what it is and it's been that way for as long as man has been around I suppose.
What I cannot figure out about this quiet thing is this. Why can a person not be just a quiet person without the group thinking they are a person to be feared? I don't know that there is an answer to that question. I know I cannot answer it even though I've lived with it all my life. Yup, that’s me, a quiet man. Who would have known? But it's true. I guess that’s why I write so much and I have way too much time to think about things. But I like it that way. Cuts down on the drama for one thing and come Christmas time I guess I save a lot on Christmas cards.
The thing is though, just because someone is sitting quietly off to themselves is no reason to believe that they believe they are too good to hang around with you. They are just simply the type of person that does not feel comfortable in large groups. They're not off doing you harm and their not contemplating the end of the world. Fact is if you take a closer look, you will probably see one of the nicest people that you will ever meet. It's just that they will never feel comfortable having a normal conversation with most people. They don't feel they have to be in the "A" crowd just to be somebody. That makes them just one thing though, just a quiet person, that’s all.
Enough for today I guess. Ya'll quit picking on that quiet guy. He needs all that time alone working on his dastardly plan to take over the world. Oh, for all you girls out there, if he's cute like me, give him a hug, I'm sure he will appreciate it. Just don't tell my…. his wife, Ok. Hey wait a minute here. If I'm so shy and quiet, how the heck did I end up married? mmm. Now I really got something to think about.
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