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Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Board Of Shame

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 10/13/12 The Board Of Shame
“You really don’t want to be here!” it reads just under the title of the sign.  Interesting I think to myself as I check this sign out attached to the fence just inside the receiving dock door. “THE BOARD OF SHAME” reads the title for all to see the list of trucking companies that did not show up on time for their scheduled delivery.  How wonderful and kind of these folks to make it point, to go out of their way to specifically shame trucking companies and their drivers for not killing half of the people out on the highway just to show up for their itty bitty appointment time at their very special dock.

First on the list is a company with a ten o’clock appointment that showed up two hours late. If I had to guess at it, the shipper held the truck up at their dock and the driver had to break every speed rule in the book just to get it there only two hours late. Next was a no show that the driver probably refused to run while out of hours and then on to another late driver that might have decided to do repairs to their truck instead of taking a chance that a bad tire could blow and cause an accident out on the highway. Not of course to mention the fact the new cell phone regulations for drivers prevent drivers from dialing a complete number while on the road.

The one I like best is the one listed as actually showing up an hour early for their appointment. Lord knows we cannot have drivers just showing up early and screwing up our precious little dock thingy we have going on here, now can we. Yup, I know, I’m being facetious.  I was supposed to deliver Monday morning but showed up the Friday afternoon before. Guess I should be counting my lucky stars that I was not blindfolded and shot for daring such a feat.

And of course let us not forget the upper left corner of the sign with the life time members of the “BOARD OF SHAME.”  Here is where all the special companies get named for really screwing up as they put the safety of the highway before the delivery of the load.  Yes here is where we want to mention all the companies that continually screw up because they decided to follow the federal regulations instead of running illegal out on that highway, for caring more about our families out on the highway then caring for that piece of freight.  Yes, “ THE BOARD OF SHAME” it says. “ You really don’t want to be here.”

Well, screw them. That is the way I see it. I have no clue as to why any of those trucks were late. But I do know my opinion of why that board is there in such a prominent place for all the drivers to see. INTEMIDATION. Yup, that is the way I see it. They are trying their best to let drivers know that they do not care what or why the reason you are late, you had better be there or they will take notice.  They do not care if you were forced out of hours by the shipper or at the last stop. They do not care if the weather is so bad that it is no longer safe to drive the truck. They, in my opinion, probably do not care if you have to run six cars off the road to be at their dock on time. What they do care about is that you, the lowly truck driver do not mess up their precious little day. Do I sound a little pissed? I am.

Well, just a little word from me to them.  By them I mean any shipper, receiver, trucking company, law enforcement or government official. Anyone anywhere that does or perceives that they do have more control over when my trucks moves then I as the driver actually does. Here is what I have to say about this “BOARD OF SHAME.”  “Screw you.”  I will not in any way shape or form run my truck in an illegal or unsafe manner just to satisfy your petty little perception of how the world works.

The people that I share the highway with, the moms and pops, the families that I find myself just inches away from at highway speeds with the weights of a fully loaded truck will always come before your load.  And if you find that an unworkable idea, an unworkably reality that you have to deal with, then I demand to be put at the top of your (trying to find a nice name here, let’s go with “frickin”,) list.

It is my opinion that using such tactics to force drivers to run their rigs so as to not screw up your day while putting at risk the safety of the public is about as low as one could go. I will be forwarding a copy of this article along with a picture of your despicable sign to the proper authorities. I hope for the safety of the traveling public that you reconsider such out dated tactics and bring your company into today’s world of safe and legal truck drivers.  Not one life is worth what you are selling, not a one.

Be safe peeps.
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