Today's Thoughts 9/24/11 Open Letter To Rick Perry
So I don't have a heart, news to me. But that’s what I was told as I watched the Republican Debates out of Orlando, Florida the other night. Words that came directly out of the mouth of the governor of Texas, Rick Perry, as he explained what he thought of people that did not think it was right to give almost one hundred thousand dollars of tax payers money to illegal immigrants to pay for their college education while We The People are sitting here fourteen trillion dollars in debt. We don't have a heart if we do not agree with him.
Well, it could be that good ole Rick is right. Americans no longer have the heart for such things. But only because of the fact that people like him have given everything but the kitchen sink away to those that do not deserve it while they watched our American families stand in the unemployment and welfare lines while they buy votes with our tax dollars. Let me clue Mr. Perry in on a few things as I see them.
Aiding and abetting law breakers is against the law. I'm not sure what part of that last statement should be a problem for a man that has sworn to uphold the law. A misappropriation of states funds comes to mind. Law abiding citizens that no longer have jobs because you educated illegal's to replace them. You have taken from the pockets of hard working Americans and giving their profits to people that had no right to them. You have neglected your duty to represent the people of the state of Texas and instead represented the people of another nation. And now sir you ask to represent the people of America. Not on my watch. No sir. The last thing we need at this point in time is another misguided politician that thinks rewarding law breakers is in any way shape or form a policy that needs to be continued in this country.
Your actions have shown to at least myself, that you cannot be counted on to do what it takes to put our nation back on its feet. We need politicians that stand for America and only America. Politicians that will send law breakers back to their home countries and let them suck off the teat of some other cow. No longer will I allow myself to be used as slave labor for you to save the rest of the world. If you will not allow me to keep what I earn for my family, I will no longer allow you to steal it to give to those that break the law. I sir, am not responsible for the actions those that do not follow the law. "Period".
I always like to look at the record of a politician before I lend my vote to them. Rick Perry as a candidate for the presidency of the United States Of America by his own action has supported illegal actions thereby leading in a way to our current financial crises as a nation. It’s time to jail politicians like this, not vote for them.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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