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Monday, May 7, 2012


Today's Thoughts 5/7/12 Sammy
By Jeff Head

Sammy spent the first day in the truck today, over five hundred miles and not one complaint did I hear. Sammy is my new truck pet that I picked up while I was at the house last weekend. Over the years I have had several cats and I considered another one but with the truck getting older and all the anti idling laws, things getting hotter, I decided against getting another cat. That is too bad though because I found taking care of a cat in a truck not only to be easy, but lots of fun too. Nope, this time I wanted something that would stand up to the desert like conditions that truckers find themselves forced to deal with. Something that I knew could take the heat in the summer, but also easy to keep warm in the winter. What I decided on was a Bearded Dragon. They love it when the temperature sits around one hundred and ten degrees. Perfect for how a trucker is supposed to get their rest in today's world.

For those that do not know, A Bearded Dragon is a lizard that can grow to over two feet long. Sammy right now is just a baby measuring just a little longer then my finger from head to tip of tail. I feel like Godzilla trying to pet a baby chick every time I go to do something with Sammy. I picked Sammy for a name because it will be several months before anyone can tell if Sammy is a boy or a girl. I figured this name would work either way. Also, when Sammy grows up, Sammy will be able to have the run of the truck just like a cat or dog would and develop a personality all of its own just like any other pet. Sammy acted like a Sammy, so there you go.

Learning how to take care of Sammy has been a bit confusing. Everyone seems to know the correct way of doing so but it is kind of like finding a good CB shop. The one you are at always knows better than the one you just left. So, while one will tell me not to feed carrots for instance, the next guy will say feed all you want. One says no preservatives while I know someone that feeds hers oatmeal cookies. I think I am going to look at it like this, If Sammy will eat it and I know for sure it will not hurt Sammy, then that is what will work. So far, mealworms and blueberries seem to be the favorite meal. However, I am told that they will get tired of the same food all the time so to be ready to change up the menu. I also keep a mix of salad stuff in with Sammy so food is always ready and available.

I made Sammy a little home complete with swimming pool, hideaway and of course a UVB light/heat lamp for those cloudy days. It will do for now I think but as Sammy grows; I will have to continuously changing the housing thing up. Of course later on, while I am driving, I expect that the dash will be the prominent place to find Sammy catching a few rays as I drive down the road. Funny, that is where all my cats used to love to ride. I have gotten some weird looks from drivers as the notice a fur ball with four legs sticking straight up. Copy Cat was good for that one. I cannot wait to see the reaction of a lizard sitting up there.

Of course Sammy will need a bath daily and will learn to sit on my shoulder as I walk around in the sunshine that all lizards need to survive, I am told at least thirty minutes a day. That should help get me out of the truck more often and get me some exercise. Of course having a pet in the truck is supposed to do that for you. It is also good to have something to worry about other than just all trucking all the time. A person needs a break from the everyday drudge so that they can better tend to themselves both physically and mentally. I guess that is why I have always enjoyed my truck pets. They do way more for me then I could ever do for them. I am looking forward to sharing time with Sammy.

Well, I guess that is about it for now. I am sure that with my ability to screw things up, (being a man and all) that I will have some narrow escapes with Sammy. It is all well and good though, you can count on Sammy having a great home and being well taking care of and just you know, Sammy will be quit spoiled before too long. Just as quick as I can learn how to spoil a lizard. Did I just say that, man I need a life .

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