Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/5/12 Turds
As I am sitting here, thinking about a response I received back from a friend about something I wrote. I have come to realize that just maybe, my friend is right. That this thing that I am, or was at the moment, producing was indeed not a product that I myself made when you look at the world from the left side of things. When you look at the world through the eyes of our current President , or a progressive or as some may know them, a socialist.
You see, as an independent trucker I am a "business man". But According to our "so called" president......"I Didn't do this on my own, someone else did that for me". He, and the progressives, (socialist ) want to live in a socialist society so bad that they have convinced themselves and they hope to convince you and I that we can't do anything on our own. Everything, I mean absolutely everything, has to be done by "the social group." Does this include taking a "dump" Mr. President?
I can picture the President of our country standing at some podium reading from his tele-prompter saying, "You didn't make that turd, someone else did that for you, someone else made it happen. But as we all know it does happen from time to time regardless of what our President thinks.
He would go on to say, "Someone provided the food that formed that turd. So, that is a socialist turd, it was a group effort. All you did is reap the benefits of delivering it for the good of the socialist group."
What next; my friend asks, "is the "group" going to help you wipe your tail end? Maybe it is not your butt, maybe it is just one of many group butts owned by the whole of the socialist agenda that produced that turd.
My friend goes on to tell me that I could not possibly be a "cowboy" in today's trucking world. It would have to be a socialist effort, one person catches the horse, another person saddle's it, another rides it, another person opens gates; etc.
Personally, I would much rather be responsible for my own turd cutting. There are just some things we as free Americans really need to keep our government out of. And, there are just some lines of thinking that really have no place in a free society. It is time for a change of the powers that be up there on Capitol Hill if you ask me.
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