Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/31/12 KMA
Ever have one of those days where the whole world could kiss your arse. Everyone wants to argue and if I had a dog, it would probably piddle on my leg today. Well, that is me today. But that’s ok, I'll get over it in about two weeks.
And as for all those folks on my page that think Obama and his crowd are out to save America, well take a hike. Just have no more tolerance for you today. Even after showing these folks the plan wrote out and published as to how destroy the American way of life and they still look you square in the eye and deny.. deny.. deny …
The path back to a free nation does not lie in arguing with those that intend to keep you arguing so long that it is too late to save us. Screw them, walk right pass them and carry the fight to where it is…. at the voting box. Understand that all these people want is a free ride. To not be responsible for anything they do to screw up their own lives. To be taking care of from cradle to grave without ever having to take responsibility for it or anything and never even caring what it is to be truly free. They have no problems at all pissing on the graves of all those that fought before us for the freedoms that are as we speak being taken away from us. Nope, all they want to do is blame it on someone else and claim that they are the ones that can fix it. Sorry folks, they last four years went in the absolute opposite direction of what was needed to fix this nation, and furthermore, it was done intentionally.
Well, I am done with them. KMA. Take a long walk off a short pier and may whatever you land on give you a severe smack in the face about just what it is you are tossing away and just what it is you are asking for.
Oh well .. rant over … looks like I get to take another five to ten day vacation stuck out on the road because the only freight being offered up will not even pay for the fuel to haul it. And people wonder why I am turning into a grouchy SOB. I'll survive though. cya
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