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Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Republican War On Women

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/23/12 The Republican War On Women

Any takers on the fact that by the end of this one, this man will somehow stick his foot in his mouth? I hope not but you know being a man I am going to do it eventually so why not today? I just have to jump in here though. Recent conversations and listening to Obama and his crowd scream the Republican Party has a war on against women is really starting to get kind of silly considering what happened just a few short years ago. So, I thought I would take a quick look at this and see just who it is that will destroy a women like nothing you have seen before.

Now around about the last election if you will recall, a Mrs. Sarah Palin found herself picked to run for Vice President. Now I know that some liked her and some did not. This is not the point. The point is and this should not be forgotten, do you remember what Obama, the Democrats and the led through the nose left winged media did to this women. They "CRUCIFIED" her. Never before in all my memory can I recall any one of any gender or any group being attacked and vilified the way they did this woman. They not only went to war with her but they went in with a scorched earth policy that took out not only her, but her family and anyone connected with her. Ethics and morals never even entered the equation, she had to go.

Can you remember the things they did? Even had a reporter move into the house next door to keep tabs on her every move. A woman as Vice President, they had to go to war and destroy her because they simply could not have this. They speak and act like they are all for women's rights but when it comes to proving they believe in it, rights only if a women keeps her place. No women with enough guts to speak out could be allowed in such a high position. So they had to pull the nuclear option and take her out. In short, Obama and the left went to war with this women and annihilated her with no remorse. They simply destroyed any chance for that women to succeed.

As for the Republican war on women, I have to ask, can anyone show me anything even close to what the Democrats did to Sarah Palin just a few short years ago? I think not. Not that I can remember anyway. All the Republicans are doing towards women is representing the views of millions of women that are different then what the Democrats think their views should be.

And that is what the Democrats call a war, having a women with a different view have a voice. If you do not think like we think women should think, then you must be at war with women. Nice try lefties, but over here on the Republican side, the right side, we allow not only women, but every one to think for themselves. To have the same or opposing views and still be considered an equal.

It is a shame that the Democrats refuse to allow a women to take high office are hold an opposing view. It seems that they only allow women as high up as they can control them. Never do I think will they ever let one run for Vice President let alone President. My personal opinion is a women could probably do better than most of the knuckleheads we have had these past few elections. It should have been Palin McCain a few years back. Yup, that would have been the way to go.

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