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Friday, August 31, 2012

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/31/12 KMA

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/31/12 KMA
Ever have one of those days where the whole world could kiss your arse. Everyone wants to argue and if I had a dog, it would probably piddle on my leg today. Well, that is me today. But that’s ok, I'll get over it in about two weeks.

And as for all those folks on my page that think Obama and his crowd are out to save America, well take a hike. Just have no more tolerance for you today. Even after showing these folks the plan wrote out and published as to how destroy the American way of life and they still look you square in the eye and deny.. deny.. deny …

The path back to a free nation does not lie in arguing with those that intend to keep you arguing so long that it is too late to save us. Screw them, walk right pass them and carry the fight to where it is…. at the voting box. Understand that all these people want is a free ride. To not be responsible for anything they do to screw up their own lives. To be taking care of from cradle to grave without ever having to take responsibility for it or anything and never even caring what it is to be truly free. They have no problems at all pissing on the graves of all those that fought before us for the freedoms that are as we speak being taken away from us. Nope, all they want to do is blame it on someone else and claim that they are the ones that can fix it. Sorry folks, they last four years went in the absolute opposite direction of what was needed to fix this nation, and furthermore, it was done intentionally.

Well, I am done with them. KMA. Take a long walk off a short pier and may whatever you land on give you a severe smack in the face about just what it is you are tossing away and just what it is you are asking for.

Oh well .. rant over … looks like I get to take another five to ten day vacation stuck out on the road because the only freight being offered up will not even pay for the fuel to haul it. And people wonder why I am turning into a grouchy SOB. I'll survive though. cya

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Republican War On Women

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/23/12 The Republican War On Women

Any takers on the fact that by the end of this one, this man will somehow stick his foot in his mouth? I hope not but you know being a man I am going to do it eventually so why not today? I just have to jump in here though. Recent conversations and listening to Obama and his crowd scream the Republican Party has a war on against women is really starting to get kind of silly considering what happened just a few short years ago. So, I thought I would take a quick look at this and see just who it is that will destroy a women like nothing you have seen before.

Now around about the last election if you will recall, a Mrs. Sarah Palin found herself picked to run for Vice President. Now I know that some liked her and some did not. This is not the point. The point is and this should not be forgotten, do you remember what Obama, the Democrats and the led through the nose left winged media did to this women. They "CRUCIFIED" her. Never before in all my memory can I recall any one of any gender or any group being attacked and vilified the way they did this woman. They not only went to war with her but they went in with a scorched earth policy that took out not only her, but her family and anyone connected with her. Ethics and morals never even entered the equation, she had to go.

Can you remember the things they did? Even had a reporter move into the house next door to keep tabs on her every move. A woman as Vice President, they had to go to war and destroy her because they simply could not have this. They speak and act like they are all for women's rights but when it comes to proving they believe in it, rights only if a women keeps her place. No women with enough guts to speak out could be allowed in such a high position. So they had to pull the nuclear option and take her out. In short, Obama and the left went to war with this women and annihilated her with no remorse. They simply destroyed any chance for that women to succeed.

As for the Republican war on women, I have to ask, can anyone show me anything even close to what the Democrats did to Sarah Palin just a few short years ago? I think not. Not that I can remember anyway. All the Republicans are doing towards women is representing the views of millions of women that are different then what the Democrats think their views should be.

And that is what the Democrats call a war, having a women with a different view have a voice. If you do not think like we think women should think, then you must be at war with women. Nice try lefties, but over here on the Republican side, the right side, we allow not only women, but every one to think for themselves. To have the same or opposing views and still be considered an equal.

It is a shame that the Democrats refuse to allow a women to take high office are hold an opposing view. It seems that they only allow women as high up as they can control them. Never do I think will they ever let one run for Vice President let alone President. My personal opinion is a women could probably do better than most of the knuckleheads we have had these past few elections. It should have been Palin McCain a few years back. Yup, that would have been the way to go.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What Chance? What Hope?

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/9/12 What Hope? What Chance?

So I am flipping through the July 2012 issue of Land Line Magazine and I come across this article about a driver down in Texas that was fired from his job because he refused to haul a load that was unsafe and illegal to run with. In short, it seems that the Texas DOT had given him tickets on the safety violations and after reporting the safety issues to the company, he was still ordered to drive the truck the next day without repairs but he stood his ground and refused to do so. The final straw came soon after when he returned with a load that had shifted and after going up through the chain of command about the safety and legality of the load, he was told to either drive the truck or go home. He went home and found himself fired for refusing to drive an unsafe truck with an improperly secured load.

Of course, we all know in the trucking industry it was not long before they found a driver that was willing to get the job done and off that truck with its load went. Just to have the load fall off the truck and land on top of another eighteen-wheeler, go figure. Next, comes the court actions, which end with the state of Texas Supreme Court reversing a two hundred thousand dollar award to the fired driver saying that the company could fire him for refusing to drive that unsafe truck because they did so without malice.

Without malice or looking it up, the intention or desire to cause harm or pain to somebody. So let me get this straight, any driver can be fired for not driving a truck when ordered to do so by a company even though the truck and or load is unsafe or illegal to drive. Is that what you got out of all this? I am having a bit of a problem with this. I mean what hope, what chance does any driver have that demands to run both safe and legal after a court decision like this, absolutely none.

This Texas court just told every trucking company in America that it is ok to take out safe and legal drivers and replace them with every renegade driver that they can find. I have long said that if you want safe and legal drivers, you have to protect them from those that would do them harm. It seems now that we need protection from the court system as well. We have no hope or chance at all if even after standing our ground to do this right, the courts side with the companies that tell us do it or else.

Kudos to this driver and I can only pray that he has found other means to feed his family and keep his life together. He is truly a highway hero in my book for he did that which was right and as often happens, he paid the price. I think it was a very sad day for the trucking industry and all of us drivers that fight every day to keep our nation's highway safe the day that Texas made this judgment. Perhaps this case will find its way to higher courts with a little more common sense and knowledge about safety in the trucking world.

I hope that the FMCSA sees just how futile it is for a driver to demand to follow the rules. That no matter how many new regulations they come up with, us drivers or stuck with the do it or else companies. The only chance we have in reality for surviving is ……. ???

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Saturday, August 4, 2012


Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/5/12 Turds

As I am sitting here, thinking about a response I received back from a friend about something I wrote. I have come to realize that just maybe, my friend is right. That this thing that I am, or was at the moment, producing was indeed not a product that I myself made when you look at the world from the left side of things. When you look at the world through the eyes of our current President , or a progressive or as some may know them, a socialist.

You see, as an independent trucker I am a "business man". But According to our "so called" president......"I Didn't do this on my own, someone else did that for me". He, and the progressives, (socialist ) want to live in a socialist society so bad that they have convinced themselves and they hope to convince you and I that we can't do anything on our own. Everything, I mean absolutely everything, has to be done by "the social group." Does this include taking a "dump" Mr. President?

I can picture the President of our country standing at some podium reading from his tele-prompter saying, "You didn't make that turd, someone else did that for you, someone else made it happen. But as we all know it does happen from time to time regardless of what our President thinks.

He would go on to say, "Someone provided the food that formed that turd. So, that is a socialist turd, it was a group effort. All you did is reap the benefits of delivering it for the good of the socialist group."

What next; my friend asks, "is the "group" going to help you wipe your tail end? Maybe it is not your butt, maybe it is just one of many group butts owned by the whole of the socialist agenda that produced that turd.

My friend goes on to tell me that I could not possibly be a "cowboy" in today's trucking world. It would have to be a socialist effort, one person catches the horse, another person saddle's it, another rides it, another person opens gates; etc.

Personally, I would much rather be responsible for my own turd cutting. There are just some things we as free Americans really need to keep our government out of. And, there are just some lines of thinking that really have no place in a free society. It is time for a change of the powers that be up there on Capitol Hill if you ask me.

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The Last Cowboys

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/4/12 The Last Cowboys

I always liked as a child growing up watching all the cowboy shows. Free hard working independent men and women putting together wagon trains and then enduring a two or three month journey out west. Some shows were made depicting a small rancher holding their own out in the middle of nowhere or perhaps herding cows from one place to another. Always though, tough rouged men and women that through whatever life threw at them, handled it all by themselves, without government intervention.

In today's world, I like to think of truck drivers as the last cowboys, out here on the open road taking on the world thousands of miles away from home. Traveling desolate highways where if something was to go wrong, help could be hours away if you could find that help at all. Doing all of this with just as much independence as the cowboys and cowgirls that built this country so many years ago.

The difference I see in today's world is the government cannot stand to see a person that can get through the trials of life without them. They are no longer trying to build a strong country like years ago when strong men and women were needed to take on the Wild West and conquer it to build our country strong. People were respected back then for being able to deal with whatever came along. In today's world though, weak people are needed by the powers that be to be dependent on the government and as the last cowboys, we most certainly stand in the way of this new goal.

Could this be the reason for all the new regulations that keep coming down on not only the trucking industry but every industry in America? To make whatever remains of a strong spirited free individual so unable to stand on their own two feet that just to survive they have no choice but to finally break down and suck at the teat of big government.

EOBR's, mandatory sleep testing, EPA regulations and so much more that continue to come our way, each have a debilitating effect on the trucking industry especially if you are a small operator. Each in their own way takes away one's ability to survive out in the wilderness and all of those regulations as a whole, well that is just murder on the trucking industry, the last cowboy. Each added burden takes that once proud cowboy able to take care of him or herself and brings them closer to needing the government to survive. Each nail the government can drive into our independence makes them stronger and thus takes away the very thing that built our country strong, our independence.

Safety, a very important thing out here on the highway; I will give no argument there, but what about us as a nation. What about creating a strong independent population, does this not matter anymore? Could it be that cowboys are no longer needed or wanted in today's world? Is this why they are slowly and methodically destroying our ability to be independent, to be cowboys? I think so.

The order of the day is no longer to build our country strong but to gain power through making our population as dependent upon big government as they can. Cowboys such as us truckers tend to only get in the way of this goal. We simply cannot be tolerated. Our spirit has to be broken if they are to win the day. One by one with each new "for our safety regulation", another cowboy succumbs to the pressures and walks away from the free standing spirited person that they once were out here as a trucker on the highway. Another cowboy gone so to say, another back broken.

It's a sad thing to come to this conclusion. To see our country killing the last of the cowboys, the very cowboys that for generations grew our nation so strong. To sit back and watch as we see our lifestyle slowly being replaced by whatever some government official has in store for us. Personally, I think it is time we circled the wagons and started to fight back for the life style we so much love. This next election is a good starting point for that. And after the election, we need to come up with new and inventive tactics to save ourselves from this new wilderness we find ourselves in. I'm thinking our cowboy spirit will rule the day and with luck, they will never see us coming.
Bring back the cowboy spirit that grew us as a nation

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