Today's Thoughts 3/17/12 The Trouble I Get Into
All I wanted was a new camera to replace the old one that I finally got around to wearing out. You would think something as simple as that would be easy. Just walk into Wally World, spend a hundred bucks and walk out. But no, not me any way. I find myself standing there looking at all these new cameras and numbers I have no clue as to what it is that I am looking at. The last camera lasted me about ten years and things have definitely advanced since then. So I decide to ask the biggest geek looking sales guy I can find and sure enough, he knows everything that I have no clue about digital cameras.
Cool I am thinking as he spouts off every little aspect of each different camera. It is not long that I spy the one that catches my interest. Of course, it ends up being double the price that I was thinking about paying but it does everything but the dirty laundry. I am sure that I can figure a way to explain this price to my wife. I hope anyways. I think she loves me enough and if not, probably another week in the doghouse for me.
As I get all this figured out in my head and I am sold on the camera I want. My new found geek friend is still selling me the camera I want twenty minutes after I decide to buy it. He is nice and did me a big favor teaching me all the things I needed to know about cameras in today's world so I let him go on for a bit. Soon enough though, I let him know it is time to check me out so I can be on my way.
My bill come up to just over two hundred dollars so I count it out, pay the man and receive my receipt. Then I say thank you and good buy and then I turn to walk away and find my way out of the store. I was feeling somewhat good about my purchase and had made it about ten steps when my geek friend told me to have a nice day. As I got further and further away from him, he decides to add to that with a louder and louder voice, "And remember Sir, the key is to have fun and play with it. That's the key Sir, play with it and have fun."
Now can you imagine the looks I received from the two little old ladies that were walking by not to mention the several other customers that just happened to be in the area? "Shut up dude," I am thinking to myself as I quickly find the corner of the nearest aisle to turn and hide behind it. I must have turned three shades of red.
Well at least he solved the first problem I was having. You know the one about how to explain to my wife that I over spent by a hundred bucks. I am telling her how all this went down and she is laughing up a storm when I slipped in the little fact about the price. It took her a second but she finally realized what I spent and she still loves me. More for the fact of the trouble that I always end up getting into I think and how it keeps her laughing. Well, at least she loves me.
Moral of the story, always make sure your sales person is finished talking to you before walking away and never ever let go of a good women. You never know when you might have to buy an expensive camera and need a little forgiving.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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