Today's Thoughts 3/26/12 By Any Other Name
Well folks, it looks like the show down on Obamacare starts today in our Supreme Court system. Yes sir, up there on Capitol Hill all the way down to the little guy on the street level, everyone wants to know how this will unfold. However, even after just a few days of deliberations, we will still have to wait some time before we actually hear the verdict of the case.
The name given to obamacare by many of us freedom-loving Americans is Un-Constitutional. That is what the Supreme Court will decide in the near future. However, as we all know, what comes out of an ideological packed court is not always as we have seen in the past, what we would like to see. For some odd reason that no normal everyday person like you and I can figure out, the outcome is totally ridiculous and contrary to any point of law that makes sense to the rest of the Nation. The Supreme Court my actually decide that Obamacare can be called Constitutional. Go figure.
So let us say for the moment that the court does give it the name Constitutional. I doubt it as I see the world but as I said, they have twisted the law before to meet their ideological agenda. It will not surprise me much if they do it again. That is why I have come up with a new name for Obamacare should that happen. Tyranny.
Tyranny defined; "cruelty and injustice in the exercise of power or authority over others" and "oppressive government by one or more people who exercise absolute power cruelly and unjustly." This fits in my mind the exact definition of obamacare. Sure if you want free medical care, it is a utopia. I guess Utopia fits the lefts name for Obamacare. But if you're one of the many that do not cares much for insurance companies and doctors having complete control over your life, then it is more like Tyranny to me.
You see I am ok with people having the ability to buy into insurance and such things of their own free will. But what obamacare does is force you to buy into it. Unlike car insurance, you can choose not to buy and not to drive a car as well. You have a choice. Obamacare gives you a choice also if you wish not to participate, and that choice is to pay a fine, be jailed or to die.
You see, it is that die part that gets me. Never before in history except in countries that were oppressive towards their population have we seen this type of rule over the people. Either you did what you were told, or you were jailed or even put to death. Today's obamacare does just that. If you are a living breathing American, you must pay the price. That price can be cold hard cash up front or fines and jail. That is you choice with obamacare. Of course, there is one other option, death.
Death is my choice. Sounds kind of over the top to some I know. But think back to all of the brave soldiers that died for our freedom and to me, that is nothing short of what I owe to our forefathers that fought and died for our freedoms. No, I am not talking everybody jump up and start a shooting war. But if the obamacare does bring its form of Tyranny down upon me, then death is my choice to get out of it. Of course the government is going to have to provide the means for that choice. I am not planning to do myself in on their behave. Not at all. But if they want my cash for their Tyranny, then they will have to step over my cold dead proud free American body to get it. That is my choice as a free person.
That is why even though if obamacare is found to be Constitutional, it will always carry the name, Tyranny. A law that forces a person to labor, and then give the profits of that labor to the entity of the governments choosing for an unwanted product or service. On the other hand, if unable to do that, to against ones will be forced to become a dependent of said government so that the government forces you to take said product or service, is nothing short of tyranny in my book. The only possible legal escape is death. And that is Tyranny.
Well, that is the way I see it. Sure, taking care of one's health is a must. Having the Federal Government step in and dictate how I do that is Tyranny. And folks, that is why our forefathers gave us the Second Amendment. I will not let them fine me and I will not let them jail me over this thing. I will stand proudly though and let them burry me next to thousands of brave men and women that have died before me fighting to keep Tyranny from our shores.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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