Today's Thoughts 3/14/12 Star Wars And Green Energy
"Tear down that wall." I love this particular statement made, as we all know by one of our greatest presidents, Ronald Regan. Yes, I know, some of you cannot stand the man while others like me love and hold him in great regard. We all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to our favorite political figure. That my friend just means that we are Americans, not a country full of mind-numbed zombies that follow our leaders because that is the way we were commanded by our leaders to do.
"Tear down that wall" Reagan spouted while in the background he had America's scientist working on what was we knew as the Star Wars program. A top-secret military weapon supposedly designed to shoot Russian nuclear missiles out of the sky with some sort of high tech spaced based laser beam. Does anyone remember that? It was a long time ago and I was still very young at the time. I still remember listening to the news stories about it though.
I also remember the outcome of the program, A complete bust. To this day, we still do not have anything like what was originally planned for the project. However, we do have what came out of the USSR trying to defend themselves from what they thought we had, a bankrupt Soviet Union. While we were secretly shutting the program down, the USSR kept on spending trying to defend itself from it. Now why is this important in today's world? Why may I ask should America be interested in a little lesson in history like this one? I will tell you.
Because our current President decided to get up in front of the world last week and make a speech. In that speech He made mention of the fact that if we did not keep on spending billions upon billions on clean energy technology, that China was going to beat out America and that would leave us Americans out in the cold. Now where have we heard this kind of thinking before? The former USSR maybe? The last time I heard, China was becoming very quickly the biggest user of oil in the world. So while Obama has us chasing green energy, China is dominating the global market on oil use. My guess is that China does not give a rat's left butt cheek about green energy. What they do care about is doing to America what America did to the USSR, bankrupt them, and our fine President Obama is going to do the best he can to help them.
Let me exsplain to our President because I know he reads my stuff every day to get his laugh in, just what America means when we say "Independence from foreign oil." We mean to stop selling our oil overseas and then buy foreign oil to ship here. That is what we do every day in this country. The EPA standards for the gas that the EPA will allow us to buy at the pumps is so stringent that it is cheaper to sell our dirty oil and buy sweeter oil from overseas and ship it here to be refined. Just the other day I was talking with a fuel hauler up in the North West and he was telling me that they would not allow them to haul full loads of fuels out to the oil rigs because our storage capacity was full. We have so much oil just sitting here in this country that they are cutting back on production, yet our price at the pump is soaring.
When Obama laughed and joked at the prospect of two-dollar a gallon oil here in the States again, he was right. But only because of the over regulation by the EPA and the green energy crowd has our fuel industry so over regulated that it is choking our country to death all the while our goverment sits back and hands out billions to companies that are going bankrupt trying to outdo China. And what is China doing, laughing their butts off at us selling off our oil, our financial future trying to outdo a green energy program that China probably has no intention of ever building.
It is time to wake up these green energy nut cases and take back the lead America used to have in this world. While I have nothing against a clean environment, I have no intention of destroying this country on a wild goose chase specifically designed to destroy us. Wake up Obama, your being used as the village idiot.
Be safe peeps
Jeff Head.
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