Today's Thoughts 3/29/12 Number Five Accident
Number five accident happened today. That is five accidents that I have now been involved in while driving my big truck. Yet still I keep my perfect record. Each accident someone else's fault and I have yet to be charged. I am glad that everyone was able to walk away today the worst was just shaken up. I can hardly blame them though as finding one's self under the tail of an eighteen-wheeler at highway speeds I would imagine could be a bit scary.
Not too bad, I guess overall. The wheel from a small trailer that you would see pulled behind a car, somehow found itself in the windshield of a car. That car lost control hitting me in the rear and then sideswiping another pick-up. All this in an instant. I find it funny as the years go by the way I react as these things happen. I guess experience kicks in and you do not freak out as you did with your first one.
Anyway, I see the cars bumping and banging behind me so instead of slamming on the brakes so that they would slide into me for the second time, I just let my truck roll and stay just ahead of the mayhem going on in my left rear view mirror. Then as the action slows down, I work my way over to the emergency lane and come to a stop.
Training kicks in and first I check on all the people involved. Everyone seems ok so out comes the pen and paper and of course the camera. I take all kinds of pictures from all kinds of angles of course. This is a must do. Then of course come the drawing od sketches and writing up what happened while it is all still fresh in my mind.
And so it went, just the normal activities that you would see at the sight of an accident. They towed off the one car and the other two of us were able to drive away with no problems after we were released by the deputies on the scene. Best of all, no peeing in a cup required. So all seemed good.
Seemed anyway. You see, the county deputies cut me loose before the State Patrol and the DOT cops arrived. I am about ten miles up the road when I get a call from the police telling me to stop at the nearest safe spot on the side of the highway. I am not sure what is going on but I figured I screwed something up. Anyway, I find a nice wide spot up next to a high concrete wall that comes down to a height that I can take a seat on and I park next to it, put on my flashers, then walk back and make myself comfortable sitting on the concrete wall. Then about a minute and a half later, here they come.
Five lanes of packed north bound traffic plus the HOV lane and they have the sirens blaring and the blue lights flashing running about a hundred miles an hour coming after this desperado truck driver sitting on the side of the highway kicked back on a concrete wall waiting for them. Now you tell me that cops do not get to have a little fun every now and then.
They spot me sitting on the side of the road then make their way over and pull in behind me. The DOT cop was first and he jumps out, walks over to me sitting there and asks, "Why did you leave the scene of an accident?" This has to be at least forty five minutes after the accident occurred and after all the reports are filled out. So I tell him, "because the deputies on scene told me to leave." I said "I asked them if they had everything they needed as they returned all my paper work before I left. Was there something else I needed to do?"
About that time, the state patrol finds his way up to us and he wants to know why I left. He is a bit meaner looking but I know enough cops to know I will be ok if I just take the time to answer their questions and let them take the time to understand what is going on.
Much to my surprise, the DOT cop jumps in here and tells the State Patrol that I was told by the deputies that I should leave the scene. I had no clue that any state official concerning trucking regulations was on the way. He said that as he arrived at the original accident scene, everyone was left at the scene after I left was leaving so he actually used his DOT car to pull over the county deputy and that is how he got my phone number to call me. He was also told that I was told to leave. Lucky me.
So why you may ask all this fuss over a driver that was told to leave the scene? Well the state guys wanted to make sure that I did not meet the criteria of needing to have my truck inspected and then having to go take a drug test. All cool I guess. Just doing their jobs as we the tax payers pay them to do. but I have to tell you, for just a minute there as I was being descended upon with all the speed and pretty blue lights all lit up and sirens a blaring, I was once again amazed at just how calm I was watching them come at me. I must be chilling out in my old age. Or is it that I have learned over the years that most cops are out there just doing their jobs and I knew I would be just fine in the end?
Whatever it is, once again I met a bunch of law officers that professionally worked their jobs and all in all, turned out to be a right nice bunch of guys. As we were doing the things we needed to be doing, we had some nice conversations and with any luck, they found this desperado truck driver a bit on the professional side also. Who knows?
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts"
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Thursday, March 29, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
By Any Other Name
Today's Thoughts 3/26/12 By Any Other Name
Well folks, it looks like the show down on Obamacare starts today in our Supreme Court system. Yes sir, up there on Capitol Hill all the way down to the little guy on the street level, everyone wants to know how this will unfold. However, even after just a few days of deliberations, we will still have to wait some time before we actually hear the verdict of the case.
The name given to obamacare by many of us freedom-loving Americans is Un-Constitutional. That is what the Supreme Court will decide in the near future. However, as we all know, what comes out of an ideological packed court is not always as we have seen in the past, what we would like to see. For some odd reason that no normal everyday person like you and I can figure out, the outcome is totally ridiculous and contrary to any point of law that makes sense to the rest of the Nation. The Supreme Court my actually decide that Obamacare can be called Constitutional. Go figure.
So let us say for the moment that the court does give it the name Constitutional. I doubt it as I see the world but as I said, they have twisted the law before to meet their ideological agenda. It will not surprise me much if they do it again. That is why I have come up with a new name for Obamacare should that happen. Tyranny.
Tyranny defined; "cruelty and injustice in the exercise of power or authority over others" and "oppressive government by one or more people who exercise absolute power cruelly and unjustly." This fits in my mind the exact definition of obamacare. Sure if you want free medical care, it is a utopia. I guess Utopia fits the lefts name for Obamacare. But if you're one of the many that do not cares much for insurance companies and doctors having complete control over your life, then it is more like Tyranny to me.
You see I am ok with people having the ability to buy into insurance and such things of their own free will. But what obamacare does is force you to buy into it. Unlike car insurance, you can choose not to buy and not to drive a car as well. You have a choice. Obamacare gives you a choice also if you wish not to participate, and that choice is to pay a fine, be jailed or to die.
You see, it is that die part that gets me. Never before in history except in countries that were oppressive towards their population have we seen this type of rule over the people. Either you did what you were told, or you were jailed or even put to death. Today's obamacare does just that. If you are a living breathing American, you must pay the price. That price can be cold hard cash up front or fines and jail. That is you choice with obamacare. Of course, there is one other option, death.
Death is my choice. Sounds kind of over the top to some I know. But think back to all of the brave soldiers that died for our freedom and to me, that is nothing short of what I owe to our forefathers that fought and died for our freedoms. No, I am not talking everybody jump up and start a shooting war. But if the obamacare does bring its form of Tyranny down upon me, then death is my choice to get out of it. Of course the government is going to have to provide the means for that choice. I am not planning to do myself in on their behave. Not at all. But if they want my cash for their Tyranny, then they will have to step over my cold dead proud free American body to get it. That is my choice as a free person.
That is why even though if obamacare is found to be Constitutional, it will always carry the name, Tyranny. A law that forces a person to labor, and then give the profits of that labor to the entity of the governments choosing for an unwanted product or service. On the other hand, if unable to do that, to against ones will be forced to become a dependent of said government so that the government forces you to take said product or service, is nothing short of tyranny in my book. The only possible legal escape is death. And that is Tyranny.
Well, that is the way I see it. Sure, taking care of one's health is a must. Having the Federal Government step in and dictate how I do that is Tyranny. And folks, that is why our forefathers gave us the Second Amendment. I will not let them fine me and I will not let them jail me over this thing. I will stand proudly though and let them burry me next to thousands of brave men and women that have died before me fighting to keep Tyranny from our shores.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts"
Well folks, it looks like the show down on Obamacare starts today in our Supreme Court system. Yes sir, up there on Capitol Hill all the way down to the little guy on the street level, everyone wants to know how this will unfold. However, even after just a few days of deliberations, we will still have to wait some time before we actually hear the verdict of the case.
The name given to obamacare by many of us freedom-loving Americans is Un-Constitutional. That is what the Supreme Court will decide in the near future. However, as we all know, what comes out of an ideological packed court is not always as we have seen in the past, what we would like to see. For some odd reason that no normal everyday person like you and I can figure out, the outcome is totally ridiculous and contrary to any point of law that makes sense to the rest of the Nation. The Supreme Court my actually decide that Obamacare can be called Constitutional. Go figure.
So let us say for the moment that the court does give it the name Constitutional. I doubt it as I see the world but as I said, they have twisted the law before to meet their ideological agenda. It will not surprise me much if they do it again. That is why I have come up with a new name for Obamacare should that happen. Tyranny.
Tyranny defined; "cruelty and injustice in the exercise of power or authority over others" and "oppressive government by one or more people who exercise absolute power cruelly and unjustly." This fits in my mind the exact definition of obamacare. Sure if you want free medical care, it is a utopia. I guess Utopia fits the lefts name for Obamacare. But if you're one of the many that do not cares much for insurance companies and doctors having complete control over your life, then it is more like Tyranny to me.
You see I am ok with people having the ability to buy into insurance and such things of their own free will. But what obamacare does is force you to buy into it. Unlike car insurance, you can choose not to buy and not to drive a car as well. You have a choice. Obamacare gives you a choice also if you wish not to participate, and that choice is to pay a fine, be jailed or to die.
You see, it is that die part that gets me. Never before in history except in countries that were oppressive towards their population have we seen this type of rule over the people. Either you did what you were told, or you were jailed or even put to death. Today's obamacare does just that. If you are a living breathing American, you must pay the price. That price can be cold hard cash up front or fines and jail. That is you choice with obamacare. Of course, there is one other option, death.
Death is my choice. Sounds kind of over the top to some I know. But think back to all of the brave soldiers that died for our freedom and to me, that is nothing short of what I owe to our forefathers that fought and died for our freedoms. No, I am not talking everybody jump up and start a shooting war. But if the obamacare does bring its form of Tyranny down upon me, then death is my choice to get out of it. Of course the government is going to have to provide the means for that choice. I am not planning to do myself in on their behave. Not at all. But if they want my cash for their Tyranny, then they will have to step over my cold dead proud free American body to get it. That is my choice as a free person.
That is why even though if obamacare is found to be Constitutional, it will always carry the name, Tyranny. A law that forces a person to labor, and then give the profits of that labor to the entity of the governments choosing for an unwanted product or service. On the other hand, if unable to do that, to against ones will be forced to become a dependent of said government so that the government forces you to take said product or service, is nothing short of tyranny in my book. The only possible legal escape is death. And that is Tyranny.
Well, that is the way I see it. Sure, taking care of one's health is a must. Having the Federal Government step in and dictate how I do that is Tyranny. And folks, that is why our forefathers gave us the Second Amendment. I will not let them fine me and I will not let them jail me over this thing. I will stand proudly though and let them burry me next to thousands of brave men and women that have died before me fighting to keep Tyranny from our shores.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts"
Saturday, March 17, 2012
The Trouble I Get Into
Today's Thoughts 3/17/12 The Trouble I Get Into
All I wanted was a new camera to replace the old one that I finally got around to wearing out. You would think something as simple as that would be easy. Just walk into Wally World, spend a hundred bucks and walk out. But no, not me any way. I find myself standing there looking at all these new cameras and numbers I have no clue as to what it is that I am looking at. The last camera lasted me about ten years and things have definitely advanced since then. So I decide to ask the biggest geek looking sales guy I can find and sure enough, he knows everything that I have no clue about digital cameras.
Cool I am thinking as he spouts off every little aspect of each different camera. It is not long that I spy the one that catches my interest. Of course, it ends up being double the price that I was thinking about paying but it does everything but the dirty laundry. I am sure that I can figure a way to explain this price to my wife. I hope anyways. I think she loves me enough and if not, probably another week in the doghouse for me.
As I get all this figured out in my head and I am sold on the camera I want. My new found geek friend is still selling me the camera I want twenty minutes after I decide to buy it. He is nice and did me a big favor teaching me all the things I needed to know about cameras in today's world so I let him go on for a bit. Soon enough though, I let him know it is time to check me out so I can be on my way.
My bill come up to just over two hundred dollars so I count it out, pay the man and receive my receipt. Then I say thank you and good buy and then I turn to walk away and find my way out of the store. I was feeling somewhat good about my purchase and had made it about ten steps when my geek friend told me to have a nice day. As I got further and further away from him, he decides to add to that with a louder and louder voice, "And remember Sir, the key is to have fun and play with it. That's the key Sir, play with it and have fun."
Now can you imagine the looks I received from the two little old ladies that were walking by not to mention the several other customers that just happened to be in the area? "Shut up dude," I am thinking to myself as I quickly find the corner of the nearest aisle to turn and hide behind it. I must have turned three shades of red.
Well at least he solved the first problem I was having. You know the one about how to explain to my wife that I over spent by a hundred bucks. I am telling her how all this went down and she is laughing up a storm when I slipped in the little fact about the price. It took her a second but she finally realized what I spent and she still loves me. More for the fact of the trouble that I always end up getting into I think and how it keeps her laughing. Well, at least she loves me.
Moral of the story, always make sure your sales person is finished talking to you before walking away and never ever let go of a good women. You never know when you might have to buy an expensive camera and need a little forgiving.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts"
All I wanted was a new camera to replace the old one that I finally got around to wearing out. You would think something as simple as that would be easy. Just walk into Wally World, spend a hundred bucks and walk out. But no, not me any way. I find myself standing there looking at all these new cameras and numbers I have no clue as to what it is that I am looking at. The last camera lasted me about ten years and things have definitely advanced since then. So I decide to ask the biggest geek looking sales guy I can find and sure enough, he knows everything that I have no clue about digital cameras.
Cool I am thinking as he spouts off every little aspect of each different camera. It is not long that I spy the one that catches my interest. Of course, it ends up being double the price that I was thinking about paying but it does everything but the dirty laundry. I am sure that I can figure a way to explain this price to my wife. I hope anyways. I think she loves me enough and if not, probably another week in the doghouse for me.
As I get all this figured out in my head and I am sold on the camera I want. My new found geek friend is still selling me the camera I want twenty minutes after I decide to buy it. He is nice and did me a big favor teaching me all the things I needed to know about cameras in today's world so I let him go on for a bit. Soon enough though, I let him know it is time to check me out so I can be on my way.
My bill come up to just over two hundred dollars so I count it out, pay the man and receive my receipt. Then I say thank you and good buy and then I turn to walk away and find my way out of the store. I was feeling somewhat good about my purchase and had made it about ten steps when my geek friend told me to have a nice day. As I got further and further away from him, he decides to add to that with a louder and louder voice, "And remember Sir, the key is to have fun and play with it. That's the key Sir, play with it and have fun."
Now can you imagine the looks I received from the two little old ladies that were walking by not to mention the several other customers that just happened to be in the area? "Shut up dude," I am thinking to myself as I quickly find the corner of the nearest aisle to turn and hide behind it. I must have turned three shades of red.
Well at least he solved the first problem I was having. You know the one about how to explain to my wife that I over spent by a hundred bucks. I am telling her how all this went down and she is laughing up a storm when I slipped in the little fact about the price. It took her a second but she finally realized what I spent and she still loves me. More for the fact of the trouble that I always end up getting into I think and how it keeps her laughing. Well, at least she loves me.
Moral of the story, always make sure your sales person is finished talking to you before walking away and never ever let go of a good women. You never know when you might have to buy an expensive camera and need a little forgiving.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts"
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Star Wars And Green Energy
Today's Thoughts 3/14/12 Star Wars And Green Energy
"Tear down that wall." I love this particular statement made, as we all know by one of our greatest presidents, Ronald Regan. Yes, I know, some of you cannot stand the man while others like me love and hold him in great regard. We all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to our favorite political figure. That my friend just means that we are Americans, not a country full of mind-numbed zombies that follow our leaders because that is the way we were commanded by our leaders to do.
"Tear down that wall" Reagan spouted while in the background he had America's scientist working on what was we knew as the Star Wars program. A top-secret military weapon supposedly designed to shoot Russian nuclear missiles out of the sky with some sort of high tech spaced based laser beam. Does anyone remember that? It was a long time ago and I was still very young at the time. I still remember listening to the news stories about it though.
I also remember the outcome of the program, A complete bust. To this day, we still do not have anything like what was originally planned for the project. However, we do have what came out of the USSR trying to defend themselves from what they thought we had, a bankrupt Soviet Union. While we were secretly shutting the program down, the USSR kept on spending trying to defend itself from it. Now why is this important in today's world? Why may I ask should America be interested in a little lesson in history like this one? I will tell you.
Because our current President decided to get up in front of the world last week and make a speech. In that speech He made mention of the fact that if we did not keep on spending billions upon billions on clean energy technology, that China was going to beat out America and that would leave us Americans out in the cold. Now where have we heard this kind of thinking before? The former USSR maybe? The last time I heard, China was becoming very quickly the biggest user of oil in the world. So while Obama has us chasing green energy, China is dominating the global market on oil use. My guess is that China does not give a rat's left butt cheek about green energy. What they do care about is doing to America what America did to the USSR, bankrupt them, and our fine President Obama is going to do the best he can to help them.
Let me exsplain to our President because I know he reads my stuff every day to get his laugh in, just what America means when we say "Independence from foreign oil." We mean to stop selling our oil overseas and then buy foreign oil to ship here. That is what we do every day in this country. The EPA standards for the gas that the EPA will allow us to buy at the pumps is so stringent that it is cheaper to sell our dirty oil and buy sweeter oil from overseas and ship it here to be refined. Just the other day I was talking with a fuel hauler up in the North West and he was telling me that they would not allow them to haul full loads of fuels out to the oil rigs because our storage capacity was full. We have so much oil just sitting here in this country that they are cutting back on production, yet our price at the pump is soaring.
When Obama laughed and joked at the prospect of two-dollar a gallon oil here in the States again, he was right. But only because of the over regulation by the EPA and the green energy crowd has our fuel industry so over regulated that it is choking our country to death all the while our goverment sits back and hands out billions to companies that are going bankrupt trying to outdo China. And what is China doing, laughing their butts off at us selling off our oil, our financial future trying to outdo a green energy program that China probably has no intention of ever building.
It is time to wake up these green energy nut cases and take back the lead America used to have in this world. While I have nothing against a clean environment, I have no intention of destroying this country on a wild goose chase specifically designed to destroy us. Wake up Obama, your being used as the village idiot.
Be safe peeps
Jeff Head.
Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts"
"Tear down that wall." I love this particular statement made, as we all know by one of our greatest presidents, Ronald Regan. Yes, I know, some of you cannot stand the man while others like me love and hold him in great regard. We all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to our favorite political figure. That my friend just means that we are Americans, not a country full of mind-numbed zombies that follow our leaders because that is the way we were commanded by our leaders to do.
"Tear down that wall" Reagan spouted while in the background he had America's scientist working on what was we knew as the Star Wars program. A top-secret military weapon supposedly designed to shoot Russian nuclear missiles out of the sky with some sort of high tech spaced based laser beam. Does anyone remember that? It was a long time ago and I was still very young at the time. I still remember listening to the news stories about it though.
I also remember the outcome of the program, A complete bust. To this day, we still do not have anything like what was originally planned for the project. However, we do have what came out of the USSR trying to defend themselves from what they thought we had, a bankrupt Soviet Union. While we were secretly shutting the program down, the USSR kept on spending trying to defend itself from it. Now why is this important in today's world? Why may I ask should America be interested in a little lesson in history like this one? I will tell you.
Because our current President decided to get up in front of the world last week and make a speech. In that speech He made mention of the fact that if we did not keep on spending billions upon billions on clean energy technology, that China was going to beat out America and that would leave us Americans out in the cold. Now where have we heard this kind of thinking before? The former USSR maybe? The last time I heard, China was becoming very quickly the biggest user of oil in the world. So while Obama has us chasing green energy, China is dominating the global market on oil use. My guess is that China does not give a rat's left butt cheek about green energy. What they do care about is doing to America what America did to the USSR, bankrupt them, and our fine President Obama is going to do the best he can to help them.
Let me exsplain to our President because I know he reads my stuff every day to get his laugh in, just what America means when we say "Independence from foreign oil." We mean to stop selling our oil overseas and then buy foreign oil to ship here. That is what we do every day in this country. The EPA standards for the gas that the EPA will allow us to buy at the pumps is so stringent that it is cheaper to sell our dirty oil and buy sweeter oil from overseas and ship it here to be refined. Just the other day I was talking with a fuel hauler up in the North West and he was telling me that they would not allow them to haul full loads of fuels out to the oil rigs because our storage capacity was full. We have so much oil just sitting here in this country that they are cutting back on production, yet our price at the pump is soaring.
When Obama laughed and joked at the prospect of two-dollar a gallon oil here in the States again, he was right. But only because of the over regulation by the EPA and the green energy crowd has our fuel industry so over regulated that it is choking our country to death all the while our goverment sits back and hands out billions to companies that are going bankrupt trying to outdo China. And what is China doing, laughing their butts off at us selling off our oil, our financial future trying to outdo a green energy program that China probably has no intention of ever building.
It is time to wake up these green energy nut cases and take back the lead America used to have in this world. While I have nothing against a clean environment, I have no intention of destroying this country on a wild goose chase specifically designed to destroy us. Wake up Obama, your being used as the village idiot.
Be safe peeps
Jeff Head.
Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts"
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