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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Of Kittens And Lizards

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 5/14/13 Of Kittens and Lizards

 "Oh how cute" I was thinking to myself as I watched a video sent to me by a friend on Face Book. I find myself watching as a little kitten about six weeks old exploring for its first time a couple of Bearded Dragons out for a walk around the house. One of the two Beardies moves ahead and the kitten follows close behind forgetting all about the second dragon that is now behind the kitten. You know what happens next, the dragon left behind decides to catch up to the off guard kitten and the kitten freaks. I laugh my butt off as the kitten jumps up in the air, lands on its feet and proceeds to do a spin out on the slick hard wood floor to get away from the dragon that scared it. In the background, you can hear the kids just giggling up a storm at all the action. A real feel good video for sure that is fun to watch and sure to leave a smile on your face.


 Smile I did as I shared the video out amongst my friends in the Bearded Dragon world.  It took about two seconds for that smile to come off my face as I was informed what a beast I was for posting such a video.  Did I not realize the dangers of letting a cat and a Bearded Dragon near each other?  Did I not realize the consequences of such a meeting?  Why was I promoting such activities as this?  Children all over the world would copy what they had seen.  Bearded Dragons disfigured or killed by the thousands.  All due as you can guess by my posting a funny video.  Me, loved moments before, then what a crud I had become in the time span of about two seconds.


 I see several things form all of what happened today.  First is the fact that Bearded Dragon lovers come in second to no other group when it comes to loving and caring for their Beardies.  Not only do they watch out for their own pets, but they also watch out for Beardies all over the world as if they were their own.  This speaks highly of them for sure.  The thing I guess that gets me about that is in their over zealousness to protect Beardies, they sometimes forget the best way to get the wanted results is by using a little bit of honey.  I guess this goes for many other groups also. My point being is instead of alienating someone; take a moment to try to educate them in a respectful manner.  This way you have a better chance of the Beardie in question actually getting the help it needs instead of finding yourself in a battle with a person who no longer has any respect for you or your well-informed information.


 As for the funny video itself, pet owners worldwide often keep more than one type of animal on the same premises, a practice that is not soon to stop any time soon.  I myself let my Beardie Sammy run loose in a room with my two cats Peanut and Stinker allowed full access to the room.  Just like our children though, we as parents need to be responsible parents and not only teach our children properly, but we must also responsibly look over them to make sure they are behaving as they are supposed to behave with each other at all times.


 The way I do this is by letting them know each other.  I supervise as they grow up together and learn what each other is all about.  I do this because I believe that for a child or an animal, if you teach them about things they are curious about in your presence, then in your absence, they are not so apt to do the wrong thing while you are gone.  Others I am sure will have their own views on this.  After all, how many billions of humans are in this world?  Thinking one or two of us have different opinions on any giving subject.


 Point is, sure you can look at a funny pet video and find it funny.  However, as a pet owner, it is your responsibility to watch over your pet and care for it just as it was your own child.  This means that not only do you closely supervise them when they are together, but you also ensure without a doubt that when you are away, that they are contained in such a manner that they cannot possibly encounter each other and remain safe until your return.


 Ok, Ok, end of rant LOL.  We all love our pets especially us truckers who spend thousands upon thousands of empty hours and miles on the open road living with them in the small confined space know as the cab of a truck.  So for me I will ask that before you cut off a truck not caring for the driver, at least think about our pets, mine being my Bearded Dragon Sammy.  I might not be worth a darn to you but for me, Sammy means the world.  Let us all try to keep not only her, but also the rest of us safe out on that highway.


God Bless America

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Books By Jeff Head

Running Legal Blues

Drive Safe

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