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Monday, May 6, 2013

Not One Of Us

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 5/6/13 Not One Of Us

There are groups and sometimes just a person out there that demand you think as they think, do as they say, and spout what they tell you to spout.  In addition, if you decide as a free American to walk a different path, one of your own choosing; then you are no longer one of them.  How racist, bigoted or downright uneducated can folks that think like this be in today's world?  Yet, today, I look at a news article and find just that, another story of proclaiming that a person cannot be one of us if that is their view on the subject.  A view that the powers that be have decided should be their view.  Each time I hear this, not always does it seem to be coming from the liberal side of the political house, but it makes me sick to my stomach as well.


I have lived this myself many times over in my quest for truckers to be able to run safe and legal without reprisal.  Many viewed my actions as against the trucking industry as a whole when in fact I was working for the betterment of the industry itself.  Called everything but a truck driver many times over and to mention the fact that I spoke with a cop or a government official about trucking issues on my own, well that would send some plum into orbit.  Still, to this day, I will find from time to time a person that will look at me with complete disgust.  Nonetheless, I am and always will be a proud truck driver no matter what people may say that I am.  


To sum this all up and attempt to keep this short, this is America.  For those that do not understand our Constitution, let me try to explain it to you.  We absolutely have a right to our own opinions without reprisal from you.  Also and let us be clear on this point, it is our civic duty to educate ourselves on the issues, look you in the face, and explain to you what a moron you are for telling me that I either think like you tell me to think on the issue or I no longer belong to the group.


I do not care the word put in front of the word American; it makes no difference to me.  What I do care about is that we are all Americans and that we all have the right to our own political views without being told we are not of you.  The last group I will ever be part of is one that makes me a slave to their mentality. 


Go forth people and be free.  Never let anyone tell you who are what you are.  Stand proud in your quest to be your own person, to find your own path, to be a free American. Should you find yourself outside of a group that no longer wishes your presence, just turn around.  Behind you stands the land known as America.  Somewhere there you will find the freedom to be your own person that you so richly deserve to. Look a little deeper and soon you will find many others walking the same path as you. Trust me, you are not alone in your quest.

God Bless America

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Books By Jeff Head

Running Legal Blues

Drive Safe

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