Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 4/21/13 Snitch
Is that what I am, a snitch that is? Some might call me that
I guess as I was called this today by a trucker as he caught me snapping
pictures of him two feet of the tail of a car at highway speeds. After that he
went on to call me all sorts of nice things. What amazed me most here is the
fact that at those speeds and that close to a car full of people, why was he
looking out his passenger window at me instead of keeping an eye on the only
part of the car in front of him that he could see, the top of it.
As usual when I see this going on, I ask the driver to
please back off before he kills someone. Some do and others like today take it
to a third grade level. His choice I
think to myself as he tells me his company will not fire him and actually rants
off his truck and company phone number for all to hear over the CB radio. Then
actually dares me to make the call and laughs as he tells me that I will just get
laughed at. Then of course the usual next, I am to mind my own business and to
drive my own truck.
You see though, this
is my business and yours to as a safe and legal trucker like most of us are in today's
world. When things go wrong in this type of situation, the ramifications fall to
every trucker in the nation. First, another killer truck story hits the newsstands
and then politicians climb up on their stumps and what comes out of all that is
the drivers and decent companies left out on the road now have to deal with the
new regulations designed to stop killer truckers. Then of course we also have
to deal with the loss of respect from those that we share the highway with. Our
jobs as safe and legal truckers is to protect the traveling public as we share
the highway with them, not shove them down the road for whatever reason. So you
see, when one acts in an unprofessional manner, we all pay. Even if it is just
at a company level, we all pay.
As for me being that snitch, sure, why not. And let's not
forget all the threats of kicking my butt and the occasional death threats I receive
from time to time. The thing is that I remember a time when I said nothing one
day. I watched as an eighteen wheeler pushed a car through a construction zone.
To this day I can remember the sights and sounds as the world went wrong and
that truck ended up shoving not one, but two cars down that highway. To this
day I can see clearly in my mind the smoke and debris and the bodies. And to
this day I wake up at night and can still hear the scream of that little girl
as she turned and seen what was left of her mother laying there half way under
what used to be a minivan now nothing more than a twisted pile of metal
residing under the front end of a truck. A driver by the way that now calls
prison home.
I made a promise that day to that little girl and myself and
a promise I plan to keep. That promise being to do just one more thing to help
stop the needless deaths out on the highway. Each and every day I spend behind
the wheel of my truck I try my best to keep that promise. If that makes me a
snitch or something worse, so be it.
As for today's episode, well, off the pictures go with a
letter to the company. Of course, copies will go to the proper authorities. One
to the state the event took place in and a second to the state the trucking
company resides in. Sure the company might laugh at me. But thinking about the
proper authorities, well, we will see if they do any laughing as they knock on
the door and ask what has become of this so called trucker they hired that
likes to shove people down the road with a big truck with their name on the
side of it. Judging from past experience, any laughing comes to a very quick
stop right about here.
God Bless America
Drive Safe, Drive
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