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Friday, April 5, 2013

Jason's Law Truck Parking Survey

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 4/5/13  Jason's Law Truck Parking Survey

How many drivers are found dead around Dallas, TX? I am not sure because when I looked into it I kept finding story after story of a driver once again found not so alive as they used to be. I think two were beating and robed and another died of unknown causes just last month alone. One thing is for sure, these drivers were forced by the nature of our business to park in areas that were not safe and secure.


Over the years I cannot tell you the number of drivers I have personally met or heard about that were robbed because of where they ended up parking for the night. The number of cars that I have seen crammed up underneath a trailer on some ramp next to a over full truck stop. Usually because there was just not enough parking in the area to hold all the truckers that by Federal law had to shut down and take a mandated rest break where there was no place to safely park. It is time that we as an industry stand up and do something about this. It is time that you get involved and here is how you can do it.


To  be part of the Jason's Law truck Parking Survey 2013 please email and do your part. Hope is once again stepping up to the plate after her great work in getting Jason's Law passed. She as you could expect is not waiting around for the government to get things started. Hope is putting together a survey that will point out to the powers that be just where and when there is a severe lack of safe parking for truckers. Already she has government officials contacting her asking for the outcome of this most important survey. All she needs is truckers like you to take part. What is needed is real world in real time information to make this study as accurate as possible instead of some government dude showing up at a truck stop at three in the afternoon looking at a half empty truck stop wondering what the problem is.


Now is the time for all truckers to come to the aid of their industry. Now is the time that you can make a difference. Email Hope at and lets us truckers once again lead the way to a safe and legal trucking industry. Let us once again let the world see that we are taking the lead when it comes to keeping our highways safe for all that we share them with. And a special thanks to Hope Rivenburg for given us the opportunity to do so.

God Bless America

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