Today's Thoughts 11/13/11 Feeding Our Children
We watched again this last week as our Commander And Chief once again destroyed more American jobs. As he put at the forefront his chance at reelection and politics over what is best for America. As you may already know, he canceled the oil pipeline that was to bring cheap oil from Canada down to the Gulf States where it would be refined and distributed throughout our great land providing not only jobs, but cheap fuel so that America's industry could begin to grow strong again. All this was done to please the environmentalist and gain support for the upcoming elections. And I must say, this really shows his leadership ability and his willingness to take one for the team.
You see, after awhile, you come to the understanding that the goal of the far left is not to build America strong, but to bring her down to her knees and with one final swift blow, destroy her completely. By saving the owl and our environment as they say they are doing, they are actually destroying our ability to grow strong as a nation. Take away our ability to stand on our own two feet and feed our families without having to stand in line and take the handouts that they will now have to provide us with. The very handouts that they will then stand up and take the opportunity to tell us how they care for us and we should vote for them because they are giving us the food we need to survive. They want us to be proud as Americans as we sit on our arse and vote for our new providers and the free things they are providing us with.
Screw them I say. And screw that owl and the environmentalist they rode in on. No I not saying we should destroy our country or our environment, not at all. What I'm saying is that there comes a point that we need to stop the garbage they are dumping on us and demand to stand up proud as Americans. Demand that we should be allowed the ability to provide for our own families as we stand on our own two feet. Let them know that we will not become a nation of worthless welfare recipients voting for the politician that gives us the most as we waist our lives away sitting on the couch. There are indeed people and families that need this kind of help and we as a nation have always been generous in providing the truly needed with the things they need. But what is being shoved done our throats is a nation of everyone being needy because they took away our ability to provide for ourselves. They are creating a socialist nation. Our great leader is doing one heck of a job as you can see once you realize his true goals.
As we approach this next election you will see and hear things that will make you take notice of each respective politician and what they can do for you and this country. Our economy will indeed get better and jobs will start appearing over this next year. Each and every politician and special interest group will take credit for this. All of them will be full of crap as they do. You have to be smarter than they are. Before you take what they say at face value, look back into history at not only what they voted for, but who it was that supported them. Learn their true agenda before you make your decision. This next election will determine if we will stay a free nation or descend into the depths of socialism and eventually communism.
Myself personally, if it means that we stay free as a nation. That we can stand proud as we provide for our own families instead of sucking of the government teat. I really do not care if some owl somewhere has to pack it's bags and fly off to whatever awaits it. Working jobs that feed our families is a much more important thing at this time in our history. Pipelines run all over this country as we already know. They are buried under ever street in every town and when one does decide to bust. We simply turn of a vale and clean up the mess and life goes on. Shutting this pipe line down had nothing to do with saving the environment. It all boils down to the destruction of our American way of life. It’s time to stop the bull and put leaders in our government that will make America strong again. It's time to tell the environmentalist to go ride that owl out of town and do with it as they will someplace else. We have children to feed and a free nation to build, again. We can only do this if they allow us to be proud hardworking individuals. Saving the owl needs to take a back seat to feeding humns.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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