Today's Thoughts 11/09/11 Butts
That’s what I said. Talking out your butt and as everyone knows that means saying things that you could not possibly have any proof of. Yet people will put things out there and actually expect that people will take it as actual truth. Now I could be wrong on this, so I'm going let you take a look at the comment I came across today and let you make your own decision. "Did you know bisexuality is found in over 450 different animal species? Homophobia is only found in one."
And of course you know I had to add my two cents in on this well thought out and I'm sure scientifically proven fact. "Very cool.... and just wondering, how in the world do you know that? Are you saying that you can speak the language of 450 different animals? Don't take this wrong, it's not about what you dig in the bedroom, that's between you and your partner; it is an honest attempt to try to understand how this conclusion was reached."
And I really do want to know how they came up with this fact. One could speculate such a thing I'm sure. But to actually with complete honesty be able to say that, I don't think so. The statement as I see it is an attempt to promote one's life style and nothing more. And of course everyone has the right to do so. I'm sure that I do the same thing from time to time. I hope though that I choose statements that have a little more substance to them.
But there is something good that can be learned from statements such as these. And that lesson is never accepting anything at face value. Always look beyond the statement and learn the agenda of the person or group making the statement. By doing a little research of your own, you can find out if the statement is actually true or is someone actually just talking out of their butt again. Then you can make your own educated opinion on the subject at hand.
On today's statement about how different animals feel about the subject of homophobia, its way beyond me to understand how anyone can tell me how any particular animal feels about the subject. All that can be done is too interpret how the animal reacts. That's just an opinion and we all know what opinions are associated with. Butts. And we all have one of those, don’t we?
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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