Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 02/10/13 Should I? Could I? Do I Dare?
Capitol Hill, is it really that far away destination that so many Americans are scared to reach out for? Have we become so preconditioned to think that as normal everyday citizens, that we cannot or should I go so far as to say, do not even have a right to try and achieve such a destination as we peruse the American dream. We can go there as citizens and visit, we can stop in and see those that are supposed to be representing us, but to actually become the one doing the representing. The one that actually wins the election and then makes their way to Capitol Hill to do the bidding of those that elected them. Has this become a mere dream for the average person that is actually in my opinion supposed to be there?
I wonder about these things as one of my Senators announces that he will not be seeking another term in the upcoming midterm elections. But who am I to be considering such notions? I am not a doctor. I also do not hold the title of a lawyer or other such important person. I do not even hold even as much as a college degree. What right do I have to even consider such things?
As far as money goes, I have none to speak of. I owe more then what I am worth. No rich family to fall back on, no rich friends to borrow from. Not a stitch more then what I can earn using my own labor which is usually just enough to get by with on a good day. Yet, I still think about the possibilities.
Should I? Could I? Do I dare? Do I have what it takes to do the job? I seem to be smarter than most up there. I can tell you that sixteen trillion in debt should have never happened. I can tell you that our Constitution and Bill of Rights are something to be honored, not trampled on. I can also tell you that our government was designed with checks and balances that no longer seem to matter. In fact, I can tell you a lot of things just like millions of other Americans can tell you about what is wrong with our government today.
But am I the one? Am I the one that can stand up starting with nothing but the shirt on my back and love for my country that will win out over the status quo of what wins elections today. Can I make my way to Capitol Hill and be part of returning America to the home of the free, the land of the brave, to the glory the she used to be.
As we move forward in time and as we watch what is being done on purpose to our country in a slow methodical way, it is time that we as individuals start asking these questions of ourselves. Do we leave it to the status quo or do we do our civic duty and walk away from our secured lives and take a chance to change the face of politics that has led us down this current path we find ourselves on.
As I look to Capitol Hill to see what is up there, I see lawyers and doctors and wealthy business men and women that mostly have never walk in the shoes of an everyday person. One that started from scratch to build a business just to have all of their efforts demolished by the legislation and regulation of those that apparently have no clue of what it takes to survive down here in the real world. You know, to survive as folks like us plumbers, cooks, ditch diggers all the way to the little guy entrepreneur that provides for most of the jobs in America.
And as I look to our past, I see our forefathers that worked the fields and started from scratch an army to secure our free nation, I can see what is wrong with our government today. We need Statesmen up there on Capitol Hill that know and understand what it takes to build not only a strong life for one’s own self, but one that has a willingness to set forth a government that allows every citizen to do so for themselves without government intervention, without becoming a government dependent, without becoming a servant to the very government that is supposedly protecting the God given freedoms provided to us in our Constitution.
Should I? Could I? Do I Dare? I am certainty thinking about it. The position is open as I understand it. Perhaps more of us should start running and finding our way into this mix because the future of America is counting on us. We need Statesmen and Stateswomen up there on Capitol Hill that love and care for our country, not more politicians thinking of only their selves and their agendas.
Be safe peeps. God Bless America
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