Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 01/04/13 Killing Our Children
Well, I guess it is time for me to come to terms with one of the more controversial subjects out there. I have been listening to the news about yet another Religion based company being forced into providing abortions or drugs to initiate the deaths of our unborn children. Already in the past churches have gone against Obama and have lost the battle. Or should I say that they are currently looking for a different avenue to stop the government from forcing them into taking part in murder of innocent lives against their religious beliefs.
Churches and companies alike are being pushed aside as Obamacare plows along in its immoral path leaving the next battle as I see it on an individual level. For me this battle is not only a religious battle, but also as for many people with different beliefs systems, it simply comes down to a moral or ethical battle. Do I, we as a nation allow ourselves to be forced into a program that permits the murder of our unborn children?
Just a few quotes to start with, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” From the Bible of course and also “Thou shall not kill.” Now I do not want to make this into any kind of sermon as I am sure most know and understand that these principles have been set in the religious beliefs of many for thousands of years. Even people that walk the path of no religion at all can and often do believe that abortion is nothing more than the murder of unborn children. Yet, we are being forced to participate in these activities.
Now I am not so naive that I believe that there is never a good reason for an abortion. I am sure that there is and what exactly defines that reason is something that I will not get into here. What I do want to talk about though is a person that uses abortions as everyday birth control. This I think for me at least sets the stage for the battle. While I do think a woman has the right to decide for herself what is best for her, once a man and a woman decide to get their freak on and it produces a baby, then they have already made their decision as far as I am concerned. A human baby at that time indeed exists in the womb of the women.
At any other time in a person’s life, should someone make the decision to kill them, it is an illegal act. Even if I just supply the means to have a person killed, or if I shot a woman and killed her un-born child but not killing the mother, it is all considered the murder of a human. But somehow, if I am forced against my will to provide funding for an act that will kill an unborn, unwanted child; then it becomes not only legal, but moral as well? I have a hard time understanding this.
The way I see this is according to not only my religious beliefs but as any scientist can tell you, life begins at conception. To be forced by the President of the United States to take part in a murder not only is immoral and un-ethical, but by any other way you look at it, an act of murder that would in any other circumstance send not only me, but Obama himself to jail for committing this crime against another human.
As president, Obama should be protecting the life of every American. Why he chooses to ignore the rights of our unborn children is beyond my understanding. As a proclaimed Christian, I fail to understand how he speaks to God and defends this hypocrisy. I understand that we as a nation have many different belief systems. But to force Christians from large organizations all the way down to the individual level to go against their God or face civil penalties is just another example of dividing the people to gain power. First he creates the situation, and then proclaims to solve it as a God in this case, not as a President.
To proclaim it a war on women is nothing more than a disguise to divide us as a people. Obama cares nothing for America. He proves this each and every day he is in office. Any women as with any man should have the right to make decisions as needed for their own benefit. But no one other then God should have the right to end a person’s life just for the hell of it. God himself in case you have not noticed is against murder.
Be safe peeps. God Bless America
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