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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Open Letter To TA/Petro

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 1/30/13 Open Letter To TA/Petro
Again tonight, I pull into a truck stop looking for one my favorite parking spots just to find them blocked by reserved parking signs. You see, just a little while ago TA/Petro started this new thing of reserving spots for those that call ahead. I sat back then knowingly as I listened to the spiel that only a few locations would be taking part in this new deal. Just as I thought though when this first started, I figured that in just a few years, this just a few locations would turn into everywhere you go. In fact, I would not be surprised if every TA/Petro went to every location as all paid parking.

You see, TA/Petro is being just a bit sneaky as I see it. First a few spots so that the idea kind of sinks in. Wait just a bit, let the drivers get used to it, then when no one is looking, a few more spots go to paid spots and before you know it, every location is a pay to park. Just like the government does with regulations, TA/Petro is working on incrementally screwing drivers, one parking spot at a time. The only problem as I see it though, is truckers like me that vote with our dollars.

I am kind of an old cantankerous kind feller. When I see a truck stop screwing over second class drivers in favor of special drivers, I vote to take my cash and spend it where I feel all drivers are treated as equals. So as I sit in the back row tonight at a TA/Petro location that has turned my favorite parking spots into empty and blocked parking spaces, I enjoyed a well cooked meal not in your restaurant, but one that I cooked myself of food that I purchased not in your store. And in the morning when I normally would have pulled into you fuel pumps and purchased a tank of fuel, I will instead walk up and dump my trash in your trash can on the way to the can. Of course, I will make my own coffee skipping purchasing anything including a tank of fuel from the fuel island.

In short, again, some bean counter insisting on raping the wallets of drivers that cannot afford first class status will cost TA/Petro more money than they make by running off second class drivers. I will not do business with any truck stop that charges for parking. As I am sure you well know, the fuel tanks on these trucks will carry us for over a thousand miles. In those thousand miles, somewhere is a truck stop that will treat each driver as equally as the next driver.

Please reconsider this policy.

Be safe peeps. God Bless America
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Monday, January 28, 2013

Pondering Things

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 1/28/13 Pondering Things

I was thinking the other day, and as surprised as I was that I did not end up in trouble by doing so; I came up with a few ponderings that left me a little puzzled. You see, after listening to yet another news story about a young child that harm had come to, I thought to myself that I would not have allowed that to have happen to such an innocent young soul. 

I began thinking as the miles rolled by of all the bad things that I would stand up and protect our young from. Things like murder for sure. I would not let someone run up debt under their name, leaving them thousands of dollars in the red even before they were able to walk.

I would not send them out into an unprotected world full of crazies that might one day take them away from me in the most brutal fashion. I would not pick the cheapest and untried socialist health care for them. I would not allow our educators to teach our young that our America is the evil one nor would I allow a young one in my charge to grow up without hope, thinking that the world owes them a life.

Someone in out mist does do all of these things though. Things like allowing our children to be murdered because he refuses to admit that gun free zones are where the crazies go to find our youth unprotected. He borrows more and more money refusing to live within our means leaving our children thousands in debt before they are even born. He forces a socialist health care system stealing away our young’s ever knowing what a truly free person is. He works hard at removing guns from our country leaving them victims to all that have no morals or ethics. This man allows thousands each year of our young to have a pair a succors rip open the back of their necks and then their brains sucked out just a few seconds short of ever taken their first breath. He promotes sending our youth to schools and colleges that are staffed mostly with those that promote socialism and communism instead of teaching our Constitution and Bill of Rights, Freedom.

So as I ponder on all of these things. I have to ask myself a serious question. If I, as a man would stand in front of any evil, putting my life at stake to protect our young, our innocent from the dangers of everyday life out here in the real world that I live in, why would I allow this person in our mist to simply step past me and rain down upon our young his brand of evil from his world without me even taking one step to stop him? Simply put, I would not. So as I watch as the events of today’s world unfold, as I see the tyranny from our government grow on a daily bases, I respectfully and within the law affirm the morals and ethics I grew up with and remind this man, I will protect our young from you, I will serve and protect our Constitution. I Sir, will protect this Nation from all evil, up to and including you Sir.

The things I ponder.

Be safe peeps. God Bless America

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Armed Citizens To The Rescue

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 1/24/13 Armed Citizens To The Rescue
August First, the year nineteen sixty six, Charles Whitman a ex Marine with an IQ of one hundred and thirty killed fourteen people including his mother and wife and wounding thirty two others at the University of Texas. This event held the record for the worst school shooting until the Virginia Tech shooting just a few years ago. Sitting on top of the clock tower twenty nine stories high, not only did he have a perfect bird’s eye view of his many targets, but with walls thirty inches thick and police armed with only thirty eight caliber pistols, the range was too great; no one could touch him. He held complete control of the killing field for almost ninety minutes.

Police and citizens alike ran from the scene to their homes and returned with high powered rifles that had the capacity to reach the range required for such a height. Together, citizens and police used their high powered arms to keep the shooter at bay and from being able to rise up and take more shots, more lives.

As this was going on, three police officers backed up by yet another armed citizen with a rifle worked their way up to the observation deck of the tower. The citizen watching the back of the officers as the officers made their way to the shooter and took him out. Proof if you ask me that legally armed law abiding citizens make a difference.

Now, let us look at a few facts about our shooter on this sad day in our history. He had been seeing a physiologist about headaches and the things he had been thinking about. Talked often times about the tower and how it would be a great place to shoot from. His father would often beat family members as he was growing up.  He had an urge to write so he left behind many letters including one asking for an autopsy in case something went wrong with him. The autopsy was performed and a glioblastoma tumor was found in his brain. The findings of a commission that looked into the matter was that the tumor was the most probable cause of the incident.

In today’s world as we continue to watch these types of shootings, we continue to find that the shooter has in some way a mental defect. We know that in each case of the past several years that time and time again this is true. And we know that in each case, they completely look over the fact that physiological defects are the main cause while they keep trying to put the blame on the tool used, a fire arm.

The question that I ask is this, when will people that use political correctness as the cure for these shootings finally get around to the actual cause of them and start saving lives by dealing with reality? There is simply no way to know who or where some unknown switch will go click and hundreds of unlucky victims will find themselves the target of yet another delusional mind.  Our Constitution gives us the right to protect ourselves, it is about time our government remembered this fact. Hopefully, before the next click of a mental switch.

Be safe peeps. God Bless America
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Obama’s Choke And Puke Speech

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 1/23/13 Obama’s Choke And Puke Speech

Was that not just beautiful? I listened as Obama gave his inauguration speech. I became so chocked up with patriotic tears that I almost fell plum out of my seat. I listened as he went on stealing terms right out of the conservative arguments. “We The  People” he would proclaim followed by “the Constitution” and let us not forget the “Bill Of Rights.”Each time making me want to puke as this Progressive Socialist spoke them.

I could go on for days about different parts of his speech, anyone could. But I am just going to hit a few of the higher points that stuck out for me. The part as explained his view on how the Constitution should be looked at. “Today we continue a never-ending journey, to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time,” Obama said in his speech.

In short, “to interpret our Constitution as he thinks it should be if he was to write it today. What I cannot figure out is where in the Constitution it gives anyone including his high arse the right to interpret the Constitution to be anything except what our forefathers intended it to be.  Imagine if you will that each time we changed President, the interpretation of our Constitution changed. Then we as a nation were forced to fit the new interpretation, to fit their goals for the country. It would be pure anarchy as we can see in today’s reality as we constantly change our lives trying to keep up.

Our forefathers knew that change was inevitable, that times and technology would change as the years went by. That is why we have a process to change the Constitution as needed. We do this with Amendments. All one has to do is write one up and get two thirds of both the House and Senate to pass it, then three fourths of the states to ratify it, and in doing so, we change our Constitution, legally. What this man thinks he can do, is pull out if thin air a new meaning of what he thinks it should say and force the rest of us to comply.

The second thing that caught my eye was the phrase “collective action.” Now one might think that a decent phrase to use but only if you believe in Socialism. He goes on to say “For the American people can no more meet the demands of today's world by acting alone than American soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and militias.” I have news for him, The American people have been picking themselves up out of the gutter and making something of themselves for decades now. Our forefathers provided for the common defense of this country but after that, a person is free to join a group or decide to strike out on their own in their quest for the American dream. The way Obama sees this is we all must come together on everything and walk in lock step to a common goal. Seems to me, the definition of fascism and communism, and the very things we are fighting against.

He misses a very important point here I think, the pride and joy of taking the world on in your own terms and beating the odds and actually making something of your life. To look back and see the results of a life lived not as a dependent of government, but as a hard working individual and then to live out your retirement years enjoying your own hard earned profits. Instead he believes that providing every little want and need to each and every person a better path. That no one have any more or any less then the next person, that we all end up living the life that government chooses for us. No hopes, no dreams, no chance and to me, that means no life. What gives him the right to decide for me how far I might rise or how far I might fall?

Obama adds this line to his speech, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." I believe the “That all men are created equal” part of this Obama interprets as “all men will end up as equals.”  As for life, he shows us his views on this as he stands for abortion, the murder of millions of unborn Americans.  “Liberty” is only if the collective will allow it and “the pursuit of happiness” has become every American dependent on the government and the government tells you when you are happy.

In reality, what Obama seems to miss in all of this is the understanding of how it feels to have built from scratch, from nothing a business to support yourself. The blood sweat and tears, the sacrifice that one has to go through to make it work just to have it fail not because your competition took you out, but your government raped away from you all your profits and gave them to those that are just too fat and lazy to get up off the couch and make their own way in the world. A government that says it is providing a level playing field so that all have a chance to succeed while in reality is so over bearing that none can.

Hope has been ripped away from this nation. The American dream no longer can be achieved. Obama claims to be going after the rich when in fact he is destroying the ability of the middle class to survive. All anyone can hope for at this point is to be nothing more than a government dependent. And quite frankly, I would rather pick out of trash cans than bow to this king.

But for now, while I still have the ability, I will in every peaceful and legal means possible fight this man and the Socialism that he is pushing on our free nation. He is not the first one to try this, nor will he be the last. Our freedom will only remain ours so long as we never give up the fight to keep it.

Be safe peeps. God Bless America

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Belligerent, Obtuse, Trucking 101

Today's Thoughts By Jeff 1/12/13 Belligerent, Obtuse, Trucking 101

That’s us truckers, always ready to start a fight because we are slow to understand things as they are presented to us. Belligerent and obtuse, I know, I know, three dollar words for what some would think a buck and a half industry. Unfortunately for them though, most truckers in today’s world can quote stats and regulations just about as good as the most seasoned DOT cop can. Or at least make it sound like we can. And as for operating our fully load rigs out on that highway in a safe and legal fashion, you can bet your caboose that no one is going to make us do anything but. They might try and when they do, we have in their opinion become a belligerent and obtuse trucker.

That’s the fun part about the trucking industry. We have shippers, receivers, brokers, agents, dispatchers, and a multitude of others that have an interest in that load on back of our trucks. They all seem to want us there where we are supposed to be yesterday while insisting that we as the driver do everything safe and legal. Of course when life throws in its little bitty glitches, we are supposed to, well, bend the rules just a bit and make the world right once again. You see, we are supposed to look and sound a certain way but when necessary we are supposed to act in another. And when we do not, when we stand up to the powers that be and demand to stay legal and safe, we become known as belligerent and obtuse truckers just trying to cause problems rather than go along to get along like good little truckers. And should something go wrong, well; that driver was not following company policy.

They hold the purse strings so to say. If we refuse then they can cut us off and find a driver that knows how to get the job done regardless of the situation. Always, there will be that renegade that will roll and that judge that will stand behind the company rather than the driver that demands to run safe and legal; a brash reality of the trucking industry. One that safe and legal truckers will always have to deal with I guess.

 I can dream though, a world where a driver calls in and explains the legalities of our trucks being late. Where we tell the dispatchers that the roads have become to treacherous to travel and our trucks will arrive when it is safe to do so. A world where as the dispatcher, shipper or receiver will be considered the belligerent one, the obtuse one instead of the truck driver that is just doing their job as safely and legally as they possibly can. To dream per say, to dream.

Wake up you idiot, get with the real world. Great companies and drivers do exist out here. But always though, even with the best of them, as employees come and go and people have to have time to learn the industry as it is in today’s world, drivers will always have to deal with people on the other end of that phone that just do not understand the real world out here as we see it through the windshield. Always they will never be able to see beyond their desk. And always, we the trucker will be consider belligerent and obtuse for doing nothing more than our job, running the highways as safe and legal as we possibly can.

Be safe peeps. God Bless America

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Friday, January 4, 2013

Killing Our Children

Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 01/04/13 Killing Our Children
 Well, I guess it is time for me to come to terms with one of the more controversial subjects out there. I have been listening to the news about yet another Religion based company being forced into providing abortions or drugs to initiate the deaths of our unborn children. Already in the past churches have gone against Obama and have lost the battle. Or should I say that they are currently looking for a different avenue to stop the government from forcing them into taking part in murder of innocent lives against their religious beliefs.

Churches and companies alike are being pushed aside as Obamacare plows along in its immoral path leaving the next battle as I see it on an individual level. For me this battle is not only a religious battle, but also as for many people with different beliefs systems, it simply comes down to a moral or ethical battle. Do I, we as a nation allow ourselves to be forced into a program that permits the murder of our unborn children?

Just a few quotes to start with, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” From the Bible of course and also “Thou shall not kill.” Now I do not want to make this into any kind of sermon as I am sure most know and understand that these principles have been set in the religious beliefs of many for thousands of years. Even people that walk the path of no religion at all can and often do believe that abortion is nothing more than the murder of unborn children. Yet, we are being forced to participate in these activities.

Now I am not so naive that I believe that there is never a good reason for an abortion. I am sure that there is and what exactly defines that reason is something that I will not get into here. What I do want to talk about though is a person that uses abortions as everyday birth control. This I think for me at least sets the stage for the battle. While I do think a woman has the right to decide for herself what is best for her, once a man and a woman decide to get their freak on and it produces a baby, then they have already made their decision as far as I am concerned. A human baby at that time indeed exists in the womb of the women.

At any other time in a person’s life, should someone make the decision to kill them, it is an illegal act. Even if I just supply the means to have a person killed, or if I shot a woman and killed her un-born child but not killing the mother, it is all considered the murder of a human. But somehow, if I am forced against my will to provide funding for an act that will kill an unborn, unwanted child; then it becomes not only legal, but moral as well? I have a hard time understanding this.

The way I see this is according to not only my religious beliefs but as any scientist can tell you, life begins at conception. To be forced by the President of the United States to take part in a murder not only is immoral and un-ethical, but by any other way you look at it, an act of murder that would in any other circumstance send not only me, but Obama himself to jail for committing this crime against another human.

As president, Obama should be protecting the life of every American. Why he chooses to ignore the rights of our unborn children is beyond my understanding. As a proclaimed Christian, I fail to understand how he speaks to God and defends this hypocrisy. I understand that we as a nation have many different belief systems. But to force Christians from large organizations all the way down to the individual level to go against their God or face civil penalties is just another example of dividing the people to gain power. First he creates the situation, and then proclaims to solve it as a God in this case, not as a President.

To proclaim it a war on women is nothing more than a disguise to divide us as a people. Obama cares nothing for America. He proves this each and every day he is in office. Any women as with any man should have the right to make decisions as needed for their own benefit. But no one other then God should have the right to end a person’s life just for the hell of it.  God himself in case you have not noticed is against murder.

Be safe peeps. God Bless America
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