Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 12/2/12 College Diplomacy
Once again I find myself beating my head up against the wall trying to figure out the next idiotic step our government wants to make. Of course, another gigantic buying of votes, this time for all the college students out there that cannot figure out how to survive in this world after they spent thousands upon thousands of dollars for a college degree that is basically worth nothing. So Obama to the rescue once again wants to release all the college students from their college loans. He wants us hard working people to once again kick out more taxes to pay for their mistakes. But wait a minute; is not Obama up there saying that everyone should have access to a college degree that he knows full well that there are no jobs for college graduates? Again first he creates the problem, and then comes to the rescue buying votes as he fixes the problem.
Here is the deal as I see it; colleges should be dealt with in the same way as obamacare deals with doctors. If a patient is sent home and comes back with the same symptoms, then under obamacare the doctor has to treat the patient for free the second time around. So if a college teaches a student and sends them out in the world believing that the world owes them a living instead of having the knowledge to fight and claw their way to the top like the rest of us, then the college should have to pay to reeducate said student. Why should we the tax payers have to pay for a college education when all we got is a government dependent? We can get those for free if not a dime a dozen.
Just watch, one day you will hear Go to college. The next day you will hear Students can not find jobs so we should pay their loans off. All that is happening is we are getting a bunch of brain dead Occupy Wall Streeters while the colleges get paid millions to teach them how bondage works in the bedroom. Yes that was in the news this week. And the liberals that are running the majority of the colleges are collecting tax payer dollars to teach our kids that we are the enemy. Why does all this not make any sense to me? Because it is a scam being perpetrated on the American public, thats why.
Here is a thought and maybe it is just my opinion, but a thought none the less. With millions of college students already out there unable and unqualified to get a job in this country, maybe, just maybe you do not want to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to go stand in line behind them. I, as a high school dropout took six hundred and fifty dollars and turned it into a one hundred and fifty thousand dollar a year company. This is something that a college education will not teach you these days.
Stop letting these left winged nuts tell you that the rich guy is the villain and go out there and figure out what they did without government assistance to become a person able to take care of themselves. You can do this, I know. I have faith in you. The only person standing in your way is the way you think.
When you finally decide to take a shot at it and actually start clearing some of the hurdles that life throws in everyones way, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to carry you the rest of the way.
Be safe peeps.
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