Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 11/19/12 Fair Taxes
So I am awake again instead of sleeping like a good little trucker following my log book rules. Oh well, think I will look around on the web for a bit. There it is, once again, “The uber rich need to pay their fair share of taxes.” I am so tired of hearing this crap. Fair taxes and paying their fair share, let us take a look at this for a minute. Might as well, like I said I am not sleeping so I might as well spend a little time pissing off some libtard somewhere.
They have already paid taxes on that money, the rich guy has. No matter how they got it a good portion of it went into the pockets of the government before it ever went into their bank account. Fair share, they paid millions in taxes while some fat lazy slob perfectly healthy and able to work sits on their arse collecting a government dole check. So what you are calling fair is actually liberals legally stealing from a person who has legally made boat loads of money and then in turn buying the vote of some slob so that they can gain power in the political arena.
Fair share, why should one American be handed a tax bill for millions while the next guy only pays a thousand? Does not seem very fair to me, not at all but what it does seem like is politicians using class warfare to gain votes. What you have to understand here is that we need to stop vilifying people that are doing it right. They go out and figure out how to make millions while in the process providing jobs that that fat slob could be out their working instead of sitting on their asrs complaining about how unfair the world is.
Suck it up and deal with it. Keep screwing with the rich folk and they will split this country taking their millions someplace where their fair share is actually fair and not what the government can rape from them to buy votes with. Try endeavoring to be like them, to stand on your own two feet and make your own pile cash in this country instead of insisting on being some government leach.
Yes before you go crying that we need to take care of the needy, that goes without saying. But the rest of you lazy bums need to either get a job or figure out how to make a job for yourself. Do this and you might find that one day you will be the uber rich that that politicians love to make into a target. Then and only then will you understand what it is to build something just to have it raped away from you because of political correctness.
Uber rich, I hope one day to be so uber rich that the bums of America choke on my dust. And the Libtards that want to take it from me to buy the votes of bums with, well, perhaps if they are good, I mean really good and kiss my arse just right, I might throw them a quarter or two so they can go call someone that gives a …..
Peeps, we have got to stop vilifying what makes America strong if we are ever going to crawl out of this mess we find ourselves in. Reach down and grab your bootstraps and make your own way in this world. Being a government dependent, a government leach all your life will only get you one thing and that is nothing. Personally, I want a little more out of life than that.
Wonder how many I pissed off with this one? Oh Well.
Be safe peeps.
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