Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 9/15/12 Birth Rights
A right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth. So what happened to ours as a country? I have been thinking about this a bit lately, as I have been doing my trailer trucking around the states. It seems to me that our birth rights as Americans has either been stolen or giving away. Think about it for a moment. Your parents start out with nothing, they crawl and they climb and they bust their arse and build up a business and stow millions in the bank. Then as time passes, the things your parents created become yours, your birth right so to say. Some are lucky and find themselves in line for a throne somewhere. The thing is though, the things your forefathers created, the things they built, are the birth rights of the generations they leave behind.
Our American Forefathers, they started our country, America, first by fighting to free our country from the tyranny of a far away king. Then they went on to lay the ground work with such things as our Constitution and a Bill Of Rights. To these they added years of dedication and sacrifice and generation after generation doing their part, we found our nation to be the greatest nation on earth. For thousands of years, modern man lived by candle light and worked and rode farm animals to survive. Only recently, with the birth of America, did the world free itself from the old beliefs that kept humanity in the dark ages. The world would hang people as a witch if they even thought about making something work in a scientific way.
We did that, us Americans that is. Over two hundred years ago our forefathers and every generation since has built from scratch a nation, this American nation, to be the most prosperous nation ever know on the face of the earth. This is our birth right. It is ours and somebody either stolen it or giving it away.
No longer are we even able to pay our own bills. We have borrowed trillions from what amounts to be nothing more than third world countries. We cannot even manufacture a simple piece of glass in this country let alone the majority of products need for daily life. Walk down any store aisle and I bet over ninety percent of the products there are made in a foreign lands while our own people sit and wait for a government check at the mail box. Our college graduates protest in the streets for the jobs that they were promised, but yet too lazy to even go build for themselves a path of their own. We do not even produce in our own children the spirit, morals and ethics that it takes to build a strong nation any more.
“Doomed I say, Doomed.” Nope, not by a long shot. Freedom is never free and the good Lord says that those that will help themselves will soon find their own rewards. It is time for us Americans to get up off our arses and start kicking some butt. Our politicians have sold us out. They have stolen our birth rights and given them to the highest bidder in the name of whatever they thought was good for us. Some just did it for the great cause of greed and power. Whatever the reason, I want my country back. I want my birth right as an American back.
As for those that would stand in my way, our way, I would suggest you stand aside. Because if I am right, for the second time in our history, it will soon be said again, “"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant." Yamamoto
“And so, my fellow Americans I say: Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. “ Kennedy
The time, is now.
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