Today's Thoughts 4/14/12 Zimmerman/Martin Shooting
Good-bye Casey and hello Zimmerman/Martin shooting. Boy oh boy, talking about hitting the jackpot. Florida has stepped in it twice now in just a short bit of a time. First, we find out that the state has absolutely no proof to convict Casey, then we find out that for some reason, they do not even have enough to arrest Zimmerman. So we find ourselves, for some reason, with a young seventeen-year-old boy in a man's body laying dead in the streets of a small Florida town. I am thinking the last place I would want to find myself right about now is anywhere in the Florida State government. Because no matter which way you decide to go, the other side is standing there just waiting to bust your butt.
That is the problem I see with what is going on in Florida. The other side, or should I say the other side's making sure I kick in the fact that there are several different sides involved in this case. First, of course I want to mention the Mother and the family of this young man. Definitely if this was my son, I would want to know why my son was killed. Then if it were indeed murder, I would demand justice. My heart goes out to the family and hope they find the answers they seek. I know it will not bring back their son, but hopefully it will bring a little closer.
Then of course, we have Zimmerman, the shooter. Was he or was he not standing his ground and just defending himself? Depending on whom you ask, you will get a different answer according to what side of the story you believe. Of course, we have about a gazillion different factions out there pushing their own agenda with their own version of what needs to happen. Out of all those groups, I think it has to be the race baiters that get me the most. What century are these people still living in?
Now I know that I am about the least politically correct person out here. I keep myself this way on purpose because I do not want to let political correctness rule my life so bear with me if you would and let me see if I can do this somewhat correctly. I want to tell you a little storey that happened to me a few years back down in Miami, Florida on Doctors Kings birthday.
I was dispatched to pick up at a freezer with an address located on MLK BLVD. As you might guess, they had the street closed down for block parties and I had to detour a few streets over through the local side streets to get to my pick up. As you might also guess, I was the only white boy within a ten-mile radius. Scared, I guess I was. However, as I drove down through these streets packed with black guy after black guy, I noticed something. I was the only one worried about this white boy being there. Everyone else was having a great time offering me drinks and food to eat. The kids were yelling for me to blow my air horn and I even got a few smiles from some pretty girls. By the time I had made it back out on MLK, I was thinking "AWESOME" what a cool ride.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago where some of you might recall I had found myself involved in a wreck just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. Again, I find myself standing there with two other white guys this time that were involved also. Now out of all the traffic that you know was on that interstate during early morning rush hour, it was three black women that pulled over their cars to make sure that we white guys were ok. The one guy that was extremely shook up, they escorted him to their car and had him take a seat and watched over him until the EMT's arrived on scene. These women did this because not only did their parents instill into them a caring nature for all human beings, but the ethics and morals that they live their life by dictated to them that regardless of the skin color, help was needed and these Angels of Mercy sent by their perspective Gods were there to lend a hand.
Now I want to tell you right about here, I used the terms white guy and black guy but the plain fact of the matter is that above the fact that we are all human, we are regardless of our skin color Americans. I have been at the scene of many of wrecks before any official shows up, and I have never seen skin color make a difference as to who jumps in to help or who gets help being pulled out of the wreck. It just does not matter.
So what, I am sure you are asking by now; does all this have to do with the Zimmerman/Martin shooting? Just this little fact, we common folks like you and I; we do not much care about racism anymore. We are all just ordinary Americans going about our ordinary lives. We live together as friends and work side-by-side every day.
It is only when someone from the top, like a politician needing to gain votes or a news outlet wanting to increase their viewer's do we find ourselves looking at racism again. Of course, on the lower end we have every radical group from every skin color you can think of jumping in trying to get their notoriety in as well. They beat the story to death over and over until some nut case finally does something stupid and then they claim to be the ones that can save us from all the evils of the world. Well,the fact is that if they had just stood back as professional politicians and news people or just stopped smoking the crack I am sure most of these radicals must be smoking, we as Americans would find ourselves through these difficult situations just fine all by ourselves and come out the other side a more United Nation.
Ignore these idiots. Take down their names of course so that you can be sure not to vote for politicians that try to gain votes by dividing us or add to the profits of those that profit form dividing us. But in short just ignore them. Sit back and let the legal system do what it is intended to do and we will be just fine in the end. I am not saying that you will see the verdict in this case the verdict you think is right. I am just saying that in the end, we will be a better off Nation as a whole if we just ignore these idiots that try to divide us for their own gain.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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