Today's Thoughts 2/20/12 Our Constitution
Hello everyone, hope all is well with you today and that everyone is having a great day and enjoying good things. As for me, I was able to beat last weekend's snowstorm so that was a good thing and it made for a good day. It did not leave me much time for my writing though and some would consider that a good thing. I am thinking that I am not worried about those folks so there is another good thing. I like how good things stack up and make great days. I was early for my appointment this morning and if they will not hold me up all day, I will be able to get out of here early enough to get paid for this load tomorrow, yet another good thing. All these good things in my day-to-day normal activities would be great if it were not for the overshadowing shenanigans of the powers that be up on Capitol Hill.
Although I was too busy to write much last week, I found myself left with plenty of driving time to listen to the news of the day. The stories I found most interesting were how one major newspaper came out and said that our US Constitution was no longer a useful thing. That it was old and out dated and served no purpose any more. This coincides with the Supreme Courts justice that a few weeks ago told the world that our Constitution was not a document that they would consider useful for people around the world that were building new governments on foreign lands. Could these people be right? The people that is that are no longer respectful of our form of government. Is our Constitution no longer valid? Is it no longer a useful tool in the governance of our country?
I think they are right. The Constitution is almost (repeat almost) no longer a valid piece of paper anymore. The reason that it is almost no longer valid is that too many politicians that have sworn to uphold and defend it are completely ignoring it. They are intentionally trying to destroy and remove it so that they can bring in the Socialist utopia that they see for America's future. Our Constitution has served this country well over past years and when its principles are indeed adhered to and upheld with the honor that it so deserves, America works just fine. Our fellow citizens enjoy riches of their own making for the most part instead of riches handed to them by those that wish to enslave them as the poor for truly poor are taking care of with honor. The poor are not used as forced government dependents generation after generation for political power. These people will never have a chance to climb out of their predicament due to government over regulation and up into a world of prosperity of their own making. We find in today's world a Constitution that is in the way of those that would do our way of life harm. It is indeed in the way of those that would destroy us from within. Of course to those that do not understand true freedom our Constitution is indeed out dated and in the way.
How do I know this? It is not a hard thing to figure out. Just watch the news and look for the little inch-by-inch, step-by-step things that go on in our normal everyday life. Like the story this past week of the child in school that had her lunch replaced by the new food police that hang out and teach our kids that the government, not our parents are the ones that will take care of them. This child's parents made a perfectly decent turkey sandwich for their child's lunch just t have some government thug replace it with chicken nuggets. We are being driving into a Green Energy Policy that is not only bankrupting everyone that touches it, but also our Nation as a whole. Watch, as you will as time goes by and you will see that everything they touch in the name of our good is a thing that destroys our ability to survive financiallyas a individual. They are bankrupting us by design. They intend to destroy us from within under the guises of saving us from ourselves.
Now I am not saying that it is time to take up arms or to invoke the Second Amendment and defend ourselves from tyranny. Not just yet anyway, not at this time as we have an election just a few months off and we really need to get involved and kick the bums out. It is time although I think to let those that think they are going to discredit the greatest document that our forefathers left us that they have a huge fight on their hands. Even if they succeed and they will if we sit back and do nothing, but even if they succeed, that they will have one heck of a fight when the rest of America defends themselves from the tyranny that they themselves have showered down upon the America people. No sir, I will not go quietly into the night. I will stand and die to keep this country free and I shall fight that fight from the top tiers of our government all the way down to these Socialist food thugs that they are placing in our schools.
I pray with all my heart that this remains a silent battle, that no shots will ever be fired in anger. However, as President Kennedy said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable". Let us pray that those that are trying to discredit our Constitution, those that seem to think that it is in their way, do not decide that our peaceful effort to remain a free nation are not enough to stop their efforts to dissolve our Constitution. That a violent revolution will not be forced into play by their insistence that we become a Socialist Nation. They must understand that we will in the end, by whatever means it takes, defend our freedom, our Constitution, for our future generations.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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