Today's Thoughts 1/1/12 Apathy
I keep hearing," What's wrong with our country and how did we get here?" I just cannot escape that comment or that question no matter where I go. It follows me like a plague. When I left Georgia about a week ago, I had a conversation with a friend on the topic. After driving all week and now that I am all the way over in Washington State sitting in a restaurant enjoying a meal, the same conversation. Different places with different faces but still, the same words, "What's wrong with our country and how did we get here?"
For a long time I have had a theory on this. It was back years ago when keeping up with your favorite political team was not very cool that I come to understand it. I could quote the sound bite of the day from whichever politician spoke it. I could tell you what bill was in what house and explain to you how that particular bill would affect our nation as a whole. I could tell you what you could expect as far as what they were doing up there on Capitol Hill and how the play would affect your paycheck. People would look at me as if I had a third eye on my forehead whenever I would turn the conversation to politics.
I always thought is strange though that they could tell me which team won that week or who was the most valuable player. They could tell me who was leading in the NASCAR point standings or how their favorite football team was doing. These things they knew. This was all well and good as for as they were concerned just as long as that big paycheck came in at the end of the week and they could make that payment on their fancy car and big house. They had extra cash to spend on going to baseball games and buying that big screen TV. In short, as I seen it, apathy had set in on their lives. I knew back then that this would one day come back to bite them right in their life style.
What you have to understand here is that the powers that be, in government or in big business, knew and understood this. While most of the masses were lost in their own little worlds, the people at the top could act carte blanche to mold a new world as they saw it. While people that could quote last week's soccer scores were looking at me as if I had a third eye, the powers that be were step by step dismantling the very way of life that made this country great. Piece by piece they distributed our wealth around the world so that now they can line their world with power and money from around the globe. While we as a nation were watching a basketball game on our big screen TV, they were giving our ability to watch that game away to other nations for their own profits.
What can I say? That is how I have seen things for a long time. I could raise holy heck until Hades froze over and not a soul would listen to me back then. Now in today's world, things have changed. People can no longer afford to keep up with the big game the way they used to. They are stuck years into collecting unemployment and welfare and have not had a dime to spend on normal sized TV let alone a big screen TV. And now, in today's world, when I'm sitting wherever it is I'm sitting at, they can quote me the sound bite of the day from their favorite politician. Instead of looking at me as if I have a third eye, they speak to me with enthusiasm about the political fix we find ourselves in as a country.
I find this change all well and good. The Apathy that found them in this situation has really wakened them up to the real world that they now find themselves living. This apathy thing in my opinion has "Awakened a sleeping giant" as the saying goes. The people of this nation will overcome the powers that be that put us in this situation and we will once again be known as the greatest nation in the world. I have complete confidence in this fact. My only question is, will we learn from our mistakes? Or on the other hand, will we just go back to baseball and football and let the powers that be herd us like sheeple once again in our future generations. History will reveal that fact in the centuries to come.
As for today's world, we need to know and understand the dangers of becoming and reaming a apathetic society. We must understand that the more of us that they can make dependent on them, the further into a socialist nation we will become. We must demand to stand on our own two feet without help from them and then ourselves, turn this nation back into the greatest nation on this globe. We the people are the answer. The powers that be need to learn very quickly that us sheeple refuse to allow ourselves to be herded by them any longer.
Have a Happy News peeps.
Jeff Head.
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