Today's Thoughts 10/15/11 Jailbird
YAWN …Yup, it's getting old listening to these Occupy Wall Street crowd or OWS as I'm starting to hear them called. Channel after channel and OWS this and OWS that. The entire same thing on every channel and the same complaint over and over, "Life is just too damn hard because no one will hand me what I think I deserve". Well I've been thinking about that complaint over the last few days. I picked up in Texas and I'm on my way down to Florida with the load. Somewhere in my past back years ago I know that I have heard this before. Now let me see, where was that? Oh, I remember.
Back about twelve or fifteen years ago back during my gas hauling days. I was somewhere around the Atlanta Georgia area and I had drawn a load of gas to be taken to one of the local prisons. After being checked out and allowed onto the prison compound a trustee escorted my to the fuel drops. I pulled up to where he showed me and went about dropping the fuel into the underground storage tank. I had ninety two hundred gallons of unleaded gas divided up into five different compartments on the trailer. All this was going into just one tank so this was going to take a few minutes. After doing up my paper work, we spent a little time in conversation. My newly found prison inmate friend was just a little bit upset you see.
It seems that his brother was at home according to his girlfriend stripping down and selling the parts off of his pickup truck. His brother according to him had no right to those parts. After all, he had went out and stole that damn truck and had went through all the trouble of hiding it so the police could not find it during his trial. And now, his brother decided that that truck was his and he was going to do what he wanted to with it even though my prison friend had went and did all the work to steal it from the guy who went out and busted his butt to earn it. When I asked about the guy who had originally owned the truck, well, that guy lived in a nice neighborhood and he probably didn’t need it anyway.
Back to today's world, this OWS crowd is even too lazy to go steal it for themselves. They want the government to take if from those that made it and give it to them because the rich guy probably doesn't need it anyway. All that extra cash is just laying there and if the rich guy is not going to use it, well then it belongs to me and my brother had better keep his damn hands off of it.
Here's a little clue for some folks, OWS in particular. No one owes you a damn thing in this country. You either work or you starve. If you think these big rich banks are screwing you and everyone else around you, then go start your own bank and put the bad guy out of business. Uncle Sam is just about bankrupting this country with all the free grants it is giving out trying to create jobs. All you have to do is put together a business plan and submit the proper forms. You could choose not to use government money and instead just sit down at your kitchen table and come up with a plan to make you and your friend's rich thereby putting all these other bad rich guys out of business. You could choose to do it yourself instead of demanding the government do it for you. What a unique idea her in the land of opportunity.
I'm going to say this again. I'm a high school dropout and I figured out how to feed my family. Your supposed to be college educated. Besides being too damned lazy to breathe, what the heck is your problem? Get up off your lazy butt and go conquer the world, your giving Americans a bad name
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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