Today's Thoughts 7/24/11 Casey
We have to leave her be. Casey Anthony that is. I know, I know; but there is a good reason why. And I understand that this is about the most unpopular stand on this particular subject that one could take. I listen and I watch and I see all kinds of different opinions about this girl and what she did. Or should I say what is perceived that she did. I'm not here to defend her but no one can show me any evidence that a crime even took place, let alone the fact that if one did take place that it was even in the state of Florida where Casey was acquitted of the murder of her child. And now she stands to gain millions to tell her side of the story. Will it be the truth? Yet another subject for us to debated for years to come.
But we must let it go. I know this because as I watch and listened to the news this week, I hear stories from all over our nation. A young lost boy fed prescription drugs, then smothered and butchered up. Parts of his body found in the refrigerator of his killer's apartment. A young man that killed both his parents with a hammer then invited forty to sixty of his friends over to party while the bodies lay decomposing in the bedroom. From over the years, you as well as I can tell of many of these horrendous stories. Time and time again, the next even more sick then the one before.
Our legal system is a very fluid thing. We stand and we judge and we put people away as best as we can as humans. But the very fact that we are humans means that we will never be perfect. As hard as we might try, we are still to this day releasing prisoners from years of incarceration after new science or evidence has proven them innocent. James Stewart did a true movie I watched the other night about how a convicted cop killer was released after years in prison simply because the technology of enlarging pictures came about to in more recent years where DNA testing has freed hundreds of prisoners falsely imprisoned for crimes they were later proved innocent of. And let's not forget the innocent that were hanged during the Salem witch hunts back in the early days of our country.
As far as Casey goes, maybe one day the technology will exist so that we can prove her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, just not in today's world. No in today's world we have to do the best we can with the tools that we have to work with. I can guarantee you that it will never be perfect. We will continue to set some free that need to be hanged and we will continue to hang some that are innocent. We are but human. We have to live with that fact.
So why is it that we should let Casey be? Well as I see it, so they do not win. Of all the garbage that walks around in our society, we simply cannot allow ourselves to fall to their level. We have to live by the rule of law and not become as they are, individual judges of who shall live and who shall die. I believe that if we allow that to happen, we are no better than the scum that commits these crimes. We must let the rule of law win the day, let justice stand even when it hurts. We must be better than those that would drag us down to their level. We must stand strong to our principles as a nation.
Growing up and making responsible decisions really sucks sometimes. As I look at Casey's case, I really feel this. I cannot personally prove one way or the other anything about what really happened. What I can tell you is this. Should I ever be unlucky enough to find myself in a position where I could not prove my innocence, I find great relief in knowing that there is a chance that the jury might make that very hard choice of given me the benefit of a doubt. Somehow I feel that in the end, it all balances out.
Be safe peeps …
Jeff Head.
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